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Crippled Epistomologies argument dismantled
My sense is that none of the players in this game is 100% correct. Sunstein is off the reservation with his nonsense... Griffin, on the other hand, does little to no technical research and only cites the work of others which he has no expertise in evaluating... his arguments are built on the *appeal to authority* fallacy and so must be taken with a grain of salt. An example being the citation of the number of architects and engineers who signed the AE911T petition. First it should be noted that there are perhaps several hundred thousands licensed architects and engineers in the USA and having 1,500 on a petition is a tiny fraction of the percentage of the total. Second this is not limited to US professionals as far as I know reducing the import of the number further. And finally not all the 1,500 signers are building professionals whose professional backgrounds give them standing/ backbone to the claim that they support AE911T's findings or assertions. Of the 15,000 perhaps on a few hundred are architects and less structural engineers. And of those who are architects and engineers, only a handful at most have any direct experience with high rise steel frames. And of those handful, as far as I have been able to determine, none have looked closely at the structural design of those buildings which happen to have been very unique in their size and unorthodox structure and construction to use their technical expertise for analytical purposes. Therefore citing the the fact that in 5 years AE911T has managed to increase the number of *A&E* petition signers to over 1,500 amounts to not very convincing support in the engineering community of the AE911T assertions.... not to mention that many if not most professionals who signed the petition in their statement simply call for a new investigation into 9/11 which is the stated mission of AE911T.

Government along with media clearly covered up what happened on 9/11 and it seemed to be in service to a geopolitical agenda to embark on an imperial agenda to further dominate the ME. Regardless of who was behind 9/11 and it WAS a conspiracy by definition... the US exploited it... the MIC that is... the national security state and its corporate benefactors for more control and profit. Of course they don't want the cause looked at which could and likely would undermine all their hegemonic policies.. and even lead to a dismantling of the shoot first hyper aggression national security state meme. Just look at how the notion of policing has evolved in the last few decades. Police are now virtually indistinguishable from a domestic army... used to wage war against the people and protect the status quo. There is a lot at stake her for them and anything that calls their actions and motives in question... or reveals the fact that our democracy is a myth... needs to be ridiculed, ostracized and ridiculed and de legitimized.

Having acknowledged all the above... Griffin is a world class cherry picker who is a superb logician. But he is making some people think and question the rubbish which flows from the media. And that's a good thing.

Messages In This Thread
Crippled Epistomologies argument dismantled - by Jeffrey Orling - 08-12-2011, 01:06 PM

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