16-12-2011, 01:02 AM
Seamus Coogan Wrote:Albert Doyle Wrote:Adele Edisen Wrote:Johnson is a very unlikely candidate to be a conspirator or head of a conspiracy to assassinate John Kennedy.
Even though I'm admittedly a lesser-studied student of the Assassination I'd have to strongly agree with the latter but respectfully disagree with the former. The wink of an eye can say a lot.
Mate I don't think Adele fully believes that now unless I am much mistaken.
Seamus and Al,
Please give me a clue. What are you two talking about?.
My belief is that I never considered Lyndon Johnson as an enemy of John Kennedy. The wink by Thomas was probably to say, "I'll help you in your presidency. I'm with you." Something one Democrat would say to another. Let's not make more of it than it is.
There is another photograph of Lyndon Johnson taken on the morning of Friday, Nov. 22, 1963, while President John Kennedy was addressing the crowd outside of the Hotel Texas in Fort Worth, before the flight to Dallas. Vice-President Lyndon Johnson is standing behind Kennedy and he looks worried. Some people apparently thnk he looks angry, but I don't. LBJ was not angry; he was worried about the trip to Dallas, which he feared would produce some kind of embarassmemt to the presidential party as they would drive through the streets of Dallas, stronghold of the John Birch Society, Minutemen and Minutewomen, and other nutty right-wing extremists. Even Kennedy knew this, for he had said to Jackie that morning, "We're in nut country now."
It bothers me that many people have not sought to find and identify the real enemies of John Kennedy, nor have they sought to understand the historic precedents, the sociological and economic factors which brought about the assassination. There are many clues about if only one looks for them and follows them through. .I have urged people to study the attempted coup against President Roosevelt in 1933-34. The same elements that were in play then were instrumental in November, 1963, just thirty years later. Until this is understood, the Kennedy assassination, and those of Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert Kennedy, Malcolm X, will not be explained or solved. Examine what links all of those murders together. That would be a beginning. What threats did those four individuals present and to whom were they a threat? This is my view.
Adele Edisen