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Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu
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That report in its entirety:

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[TD]October 5, 2009 -- H1N1 and the connections to Madison and Memphis
WMR has learned from a top microbiologist who has researched the H1N1 virus that the University of Wisconsin at Madison is ground zero for the genetic reassortment of the pandemic from DNA recovered from the body of a 1918 flu victim in a graveyard in Alaska. It was from the Brevig Mission sample that the gene HA, or haemagglutinin, was discovered. HA is the genetic component that made the 1918 flu and makes the present H1N1 flu so virulent. The Hong Kong source also reports that the Pentagon was involved in funding the "Jurassic Park"-like development of the reassorted H1N1 virus from 1918 flu genetic material.
The H1N1 research, according to WMR's sources, centers around Dr. Yoshihiro Kawaoka, professor of pathobiological sciences at the UW-Madison School of Veterinary Medicine and, according to our Hong Kong microbiologist source, may have conducted his H1N1 under contract to the U.S. Army. WMR has also learned that Kawaoka's H1N1 research likely involves a major hospital that has received what has been called "bits and pieces" of contracts under the cover of various civilian institute sponsors. THe major hospital involved in the dubious re-assortment of the H1N1 pandemic from two forms of human flu, two forms of swine flu, and one form of avian flu is St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis, according to our sources, who, in accordance with WMR's oft-stated policy, remain anonymous in order to protect their jobs, reputations, and lives.
WMR has previously cited Madison and St. Jude's in previous reports on the artificiality of the H1N1 virus. On May 6, 2009, WMR reported:

[TD]Informed sources have revealed to WMR that the H1N1 virus, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned could become a global pandemic, was reverse engineered from genetic material obtained from the remains of victims of the deadly 1918 "Spanish flu" influenza pandemic that killed 50 million people worldwide.WMR has obtained information from biological researchers that the 1918 Spanish flu genetic sequences were "manipulated" in order to effect transmission capability. The current H1N1 virus, called "swine flu," is reportedly a combination of two forms of human flu, two forms of swine flu (North American and Eurasian), and avian or bird flu. There are now reports of species hopping from humans to pigs in Canada.
The scientific name for the current H1N1 virus that was manipulated is "Influenza A virus (strain A/Brevig Mission/1/1918 H1N1)." It is called Brevig Mission because, as WMR previously reported, U.S. Army biological warfare specialists recovered the genetic material from the fairly intact corpse of an Inuit woman who died from the 1918 flu in Brevig Mission, Alaska. WMR has learned that work on manipulation of the Brevig Mission flu strain began in 1997.
Two bio-safety laboratories have been associated with the genetic reverse engineering of not only A-H1N1, the current "swine flu" strain, but also the deadly Ebola virus. They are the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Winnipeg, Canada. The Associated Press reported on September 20, 2007, that the Madison laboratory was cited for safety violations: "University of Wisconsin-Madison research on the deadly Ebola virus was conducted for a year in a less-secure laboratory than required, until the National Institutes of Health alerted the school to the problem. The deadly virus itself was never present in the laboratory, said Jan Klein, UW-Madison biological safety officer. Instead, DNA copies of the virus were being studied to better understand one of the world's most dangerous pathogens."
The report also stated that the Madison research facility was involved with combining "materials": "Klein said no one was ever at risk, though an infectious virus could have been produced if the research material had been combined with other components. But that was not part of any planned experiment and would not be done by accident,' she said."
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) reportedly shut down the Ebola research at Madison but it was reportedly moved to a Level 4 Bio-Safety Laboratory at the National Microbiology Laboratory at the Canadian Science Center for Human and Animal Health in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In 2007, macaque monkeys were infected with the 1918 flu virus at the Canadian laboratory by some of the same researchers who were involved in the risky Ebola research in Madison.
The research in Madison on Ebola had been conducted in a Bio Safety Level 2 laboratory when it should have been conducted in a Bio Safety Level 4 laboratory, the most stringent for pathogens like Ebola and H1N1. At the time of the safety violations, Madison has less stringent Level 3 labs but no Level 4 labs. In early 2008, Madison again conducted work on Ebola, but in a Level 4 lab.
Science Daily reported the following from Madison on October 7, 2004: "Using a gene resurrected from the virus that caused the 1918 Spanish influenza pandemic, recorded history's most lethal outbreak of infectious disease, scientists have found that a single gene may have been responsible for the devastating virulence of the virus."
The Winnipeg laboratory figures into the November 15, 2001 disappearance of noted Harvard University virologist Dr. Don C. Wiley in Memphis, Tennessee after his attendance at a banquet honoring his service as a scientific advisory board member of St. Jude's Hospital. Wiley's body was found one month later in the Mississippi River in Vidalia, Louisiana. The Shelby County medical examiner ruled Wiley's death a "suicide" from jumping into the Mississippi River from the west bound lane of the I-40 Hernando de Soto bridge. Wiley was heading back to his father's residence in Millington, northeast of Memphis at the time of his disappearance.
While investigating Dr. Wiley's death in Memphis, this editor met an auditor for St. Jude's Children's Research Hospital in a chance encounter. The auditor reported that while it may or may not have had bearing on the death of Wiley, he had discovered large amounts of "grant" money moving through St. Jude's for purposes not related to the hospital's pioneering research into fighting childhood cancer. The recent information obtained by WMR about "bits and pieces" of contracts funding H1N1 reassortment research being passed through civilian institute sponsors coincides with the information received from the St. Jude's auditor.
Kawaoka's H1N1 research also extends to the University of Tokyo in Japan; a Kobe, Japan research institute; Indonesia, and Vietnam. It was a member of Kawaoke's research team that was caught by Indonesian authorities at Surabaya airport in east Java trying to illegally smuggle human H1N1 DNA out of the country. Kawaoke's research also involved the cross-border transport of dangerous pathogens between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the National Microbiology Center in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Kawaoke worked at St. Jude's for fourteen years with Dr. Robert Webster, a colleague of the late Dr. Wiley.
On May 15, 2009, WMR reported:
[TD]Canada's version of the United States biological "research" laboratory at Fort Detrick, Maryland, the National Microbiology Center in Winnipeg, Manitoba, is once again in the news for a serious breakdown in security of pathogenic materials.
Konan Michel Yao, a native of Ivory Coast, was arrested by FBI agents on May 5, while trying to transport 22 vials of genetic material from the deadly Ebola virus from the Winnipeg laboratory to what Yao claimed was his new research job at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland. NIH is near Washington, DC and is even serviced by a Metro subway station that transports passengers on the "Red Line" into the heart of the nation's capital.
Yao removed the material this past January and hid the vials, containing Ebola and HIV genetic material, in a glove and inside aluminum foil. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in Atlanta claim the genetic material is not infectious, however, as previously reported by WMR, similar genetic material extracted from the corpse of an Inuit woman who died of the 1918 "Spanish flu" was extracted in 1997 and used the synthetically create the current A/H1N1 hybrid or "novel" influenza virus. The Winnipeg facility, as well as the University of Wisconsin in Madison, was involved in the H1N1 research and vials of H1N1 and other influenza strains were transported back and forth from Madison to Winnipeg.
. . . Yao was arrested at the border crossing at Pembina and was heading in a direction that would have taken him through Madison on Interstate 94 to Chicago and onward to Washington, DC. Based on past exchange of dangerous pathogenic materials between Winnipeg and Madison, there is a possibility that Yao could have dropped off some or all of the Ebola vials at the Madison laboratory.
On March 2, 2005, a courier truck crashed in downtown Winnipeg that was transporting anthrax from the Canadian Forces Base in Ralston, Alberta and influenza, salmonella, e.coli, tuberculosis, and HIV from a laboratory in British Columbia.
What is not being explained is where Yao kept the Ebola virus material from January to May and whether he transported any other pathogenic material from the Winnipeg laboratory. As WMR reported on May 6, the day after Yao was arrested, the Winnipeg facility also contains strains of hanta virus, Marburg virus, and Lassa fever. On November 30, 2001, the Memphis Police Department received a phone call from Detective Paul McKemmie of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police National Security Investigation Unit in Ottawa stating that a scientist at the Winnipeg facility was a likely target for kidnapping by "bio-terrorists." The Memphis police were investigating the disappearance of Dr. Don Wiley, a noted virologist from Harvard University, whose body was later discovered in the Mississippi River in Vidalia, Louisiana.
A number of scientists working on AH1N1 and Ebola have also conducted research at St. Jude's Children's Hospital in Memphis. Wiley served as a member of the St. Jude's science advisory board and was in Memphis for an annual St. Jude's banquet at the time of his disappearance, which was ruled a suicide by the Shelby County medical examiner.
For the first time, WMR is revealing what a special investigation in 2002 of Wiley's death, which now appears to have been a murder, revealed about St. Jude's. While investigating establishments around the Peabody Hotel in Memphis where Wiley may have stopped before he turned up missing, this editor obtained information from a St. Jude's insider that the books were "being cooked" at the charitable children's hospital, which is dedicated to finding cures for cancer. What was reported by the insider was that large sums of money were coming into the hospital from "Middle East" sources and this had raised alarms in the hospital's accounting department because it was not showing up on the official books.
The St. Jude's "insider" described above was the hospital's auditor who reported the large sums of money coming through the hospital in the form of grants. WMR has identified some of the H1N1 research funders as the Armed Forces Pathology Institute in Rockville, Maryland - a recipient of the Brevig Mission 1918 flu DNA; the U.S. National Institutes of Health; and Japan's Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
Kawaoka has also written articles for the renowned British medical journal "Nature." One of "Nature's" past reporters, Jane Burgermeister, has, interestingly, filed charges against the World Health Organizations and several other entities and individuals for bioterrorism and attempting to commit mass murder. She has also filed for a court injunction against the administering of the H1N1 vaccine.
It is also noteworthy that Kawaoka co-founded a company with Dr. Gabriele Neumann, also of the University of Wisconsin-Madison, called FluGen, Inc. of Madison, Wisconsin, a firm which stands to financially benefit from the administration of the H1N1 vaccine. Kawaoka and Neumann discovered a "reverse genetics" process that allows a virus to be seeded in a monkey's kidney cells, ostensibly to use the virus to produce vaccines. However, on September 14, 2009, WMR reported on the findings of a Kawaoka researcher: H1N1 "influenza was re-assorted in a laboratory from eight genes consisting of avian, swine and human type influenza A virus. [size=12]The scientist does not believe, based on intensive laboratory research of the A/H1N1 virus, that its sudden appearance in Mexico this past Spring was a natural occurrence . . . [size=12]What is known is that the first A/H1N1 virus was found in a human. Although some pigs and turkeys were infected with the A/H1N1 virus by farm workers, there is no evidence that the opposite occurred." A human in Mexico, like the monkeys whose kidney cells are used to produce H1N1 and other viruses, may have been used as the "mixing vessel" for the H1N1 pandemic. The Kawaoka researcher also stated: "the virus emerged suddenly in Mexico. I can't explain how. I wish I could. For me as a virologist, it's impossible . . . on the other hand, technology can create any kind of virus you want."[/SIZE] [/SIZE]
FluGen President and CEO Paul Radspinner praised the April 2009 statement of President Obama that he would seek emergency Congressional funding for the H1N1 vaccination program: "We applaud President Obama, Sen. Harkin, Rep. Obey and Rep. Baldwin for their efforts to accelerate the development of new influenza vaccine production methods. These efforts are critical to the United States' efforts to control the global swine flu outbreak. New, cell-based production methods would dramatically improve the country's ability to fight this growing public health concern. FluGen's cell-based manufacturing technology, in particular, would speed production and delivery of significantly higher volumes of influenza vaccines than current egg-based methods. Egg-based methods have a number of well-known limitations, the most notable of which is the availability of sufficient chicken eggs to meet the demand for vaccine in a pandemic."
Kawaoka has been suggested as a possible future Nobel Prize for Medicine awardee.
In addition to Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) of Iowa and Representatives Tammy Baldwin and David Obey, Wisconsin Democrats, FluGen also has a benefecator in Wisconsin Democratic Governor Mike Doyle. On March 31, 2008, Doyle announced that FluGen had qualified for investor tax credits under the Wisconsin Department of Commerce's "Angel Investor and Venture Fund Tax Credit programs." Essentially, since 2008, the taxpayers of Wisconsin have been funding dangerous and dubious research into H1N1, research that may have promoted the virus's contagiousness and virulence. Other funding for the FluGen research has come via the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation (WARF). Baldwin, who represents Madison, is a major congressional supporter of FluGen having told the House Energy and Commerce Committee's Health Subcommittee on June 11 of this year that small companies like FluGen had to be protected from large pharmaceutical companies. The subcommittee's chairman, Frank Pallone (D-NJ), represents some of the larger Big Pharma firms in his New Jersey congressional district.
When Illinois Representative Jan Schakowsky was recently asked at a town hall meeting in Chicago about WMR's reports on A/H1N1, she responded "Wayne Madsen is a conspiracy theorist." Schakowsky may have been upset about our reports that she was being blackmailed in a Turkish intelligence lesbian honey trap operation. The congresswoman also may have been protecting the interests of Representative Baldwin's favorite bio-research firm, FluGen. Baldwin is the only openly lesbian member of the House of Representatives.

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Messages In This Thread
Alarm as Dutch lab creates highly contagious killer flu - by Ed Jewett - 21-12-2011, 06:48 AM

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