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Strange Obsession: 911Blogger and the Pentagon Mystery
My sense is that the cover up - OCT - DID conceal massive amounts of failure of our expensive national security state. I say so because it seems almost impossible that the whole apparatus was in on the coup... so much of it simply was caught with their pants down... and that could not be acknowledged... hence the cover up. Not a single person was held accountable for anything on 9/11. That is effin amazing.

Jeffrey, John O'Neill of the FBI, The Man Who Knew was ignored, then ridiculed, sabotaged, sidelined. His briefcase of current cases was stolen when he was called to the phone at an FBI seminar. He died in the collapse of the towers.

Gorelick's Wall was a DOJ artifice to prevent exposure of China's compromise of 42. This prevented sharing of information which might have tipped off relevant agencies before the act.

FBI Special Agent Colleen Rowley wrote a long letter to Director Robert Mueller criticizing the Bureau for ignoring warnings by such agents as herself of Middle Eastern men taking peculiarly truncated flying lessons.

Obama extended Mueller's stay beyond the ten-year statutory term. Mueller has pleased him in way Brennan did with the passports. Who created the legend.

There were watch lists and no fly lists and they did not stop the nineteen from flying.

I posit minimal targeted modifications were effected to trigger floor collapse on a retail basis, which collapse proved irresistible, going viral, down to the ground.

No, of course not: not "entire agencies" were involved, nor the managerial hierarchy; the organizational chart was completely disregarded.

Cheney and Rumsfeld, O dear. And the president a friend of the Saudis. Who needed a favor. Remove this stone from my shoe. This one, here in Baghdad.

And it would allow us to return to get the Taliban (our allies against the Soviets) off the poppy crop; we'll send in agricultural advisors and make lots and lots of heroin, which is better than gold in today's economy.

Obama follows along and keeps Robert Gates. Who did the 2004 CFR paper with Zbigniew Brzezinski (who may or may not have been a "mentor" of Obamahas most assuredly been an advisor beginning during the 2008 campaign) "Iran: Time for a New Approach".

Then we have the 2007 NIE saying Iran was not making nuclear weapons. Now this past year we have Russia and China stating in the strongest terms Iran must not be attacked.

We have the Arab Spring empowering Iran, clearing secular regimes for the installation of Islamist ones.

Of course there can be no continuity between the CIA which installed the Shah in 1953 and Brzezinski who enabled the Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979 and the immunity for Iran to suppress its dissenters in 2009 (when all other regional players are brought to heel).

Iran and Saudi come to the fore, their oil coveted by Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia.

We have soma to die for.

The towers were the galvanizing symbol for the last decade's crusade.

What will be next.

As with Dallas 1963, careful planning, manipulation of perception, fear and confusion to herd the livestock into pens of stability figured as key elements.

When Greece and France collapse we will be shaken. When the internet is shut down we will be blindfolded and gagged.

Or not. The point being the cavemen could only breach the gates with the collusion of the guards, only sap the walls with the preparation of the miners.

The king continues the feast calling for his pipe, his bowl, his fiddlers three.

Messages In This Thread
Strange Obsession: 911Blogger and the Pentagon Mystery - by Phil Dragoo - 21-01-2012, 05:12 AM

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