17-03-2012, 01:13 AM
Thanks B., I've added a brief introduction. [URL="http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2012/03/coup-detat-were-basic-principles.html"]
JFKcountercoup: Coup d'etat - Basic Elements - Were they followed on 11/22/63?
The JFK Assassination - Crackpot or Coup?
By William Kelly
"By every readable signal the situation was red.Assassinations generally precede attempts to overthrow governments, and GeneralTaylor issued a special warning to all troops stationed in the Washingtonarea. At interior Bill Pozen had assumed that this was the first stage in acoup. Never within his memory had the capitol been so wide open. Six Cabinetmembers were over the Pacific, and both the President and Vice President werein Dallas…." William Manchester, The Death of a President (Harper & Row 1967)
One of the hardest things to believe about the officialversion of what occurred at Dealey Plaza is the assassination of the Presidentwas the result of the actions of a despicable loser and loner who couldn't holda job or do anything right or meaningful in his life except kill the Presidentof the United States.
Rather than the accidental act of a madman, if theassassination of the President was a very well planned and executed covert operationand coup d'eta, then there should be some record of it among the archives ofgovernment, and I think that record is the Air Force One radio communicationson November 22, 1963, or what remain of those records. The audio tapes of theAir Force One radio transmissions give us a unique porthole window view intowhat was happening at critical locations at a crucial time, and provide a wayinto the heart and bowls of the coup.
As noted in the investigation of homicides, if the motivefor the murder was elimination, then it is not the triggerman or killer whoprovides the clue and the links to those actually responsible, but the victimhimself. As other researchers have assumed this approach (as Vincent Salandria,Jim Root and Larry Hancock have done), and investigated the assassination fromthe top down rather than the bottom up, there should be a point where the twoapproaches meet and there is in the El Chico Restaurant parking lot in OakCliff.
If the assassination was a well planned coup in which thosewho killed the President also took over the reigns of government, then it wouldhave been conducted according to the well developed principles used to conductcoups, and as outlined in the operational manual, "Coup d'etat A Practical Handbook" (Ed Lutwak, Knof, NY, 1968).
According to Lutwak, it is imperative that those engineeringthe coup have complete control over key communications links during the firstcrucial hours of the operation.
While Lutwak's outline was designed for small Latin Americancountries, its basic principles remain the same for any coup, which is definedas a forceful change in power from within the government itself.
As President Kennedy himself noted on the morning of hisdeath that it would be very easy to murder the President while he was away fromthe White House, if this analysis is correct, and complete control overcommunications was a necessary attribute of the coup, then the assassinationhad to take place while the President was out of Washington and Air Force Oneradio communications were used.
JFKcountercoup: Coup d'etat - Basic Elements - Were they followed on 11/22/63?
The JFK Assassination - Crackpot or Coup?
By William Kelly
"By every readable signal the situation was red.Assassinations generally precede attempts to overthrow governments, and GeneralTaylor issued a special warning to all troops stationed in the Washingtonarea. At interior Bill Pozen had assumed that this was the first stage in acoup. Never within his memory had the capitol been so wide open. Six Cabinetmembers were over the Pacific, and both the President and Vice President werein Dallas…." William Manchester, The Death of a President (Harper & Row 1967)
One of the hardest things to believe about the officialversion of what occurred at Dealey Plaza is the assassination of the Presidentwas the result of the actions of a despicable loser and loner who couldn't holda job or do anything right or meaningful in his life except kill the Presidentof the United States.
Rather than the accidental act of a madman, if theassassination of the President was a very well planned and executed covert operationand coup d'eta, then there should be some record of it among the archives ofgovernment, and I think that record is the Air Force One radio communicationson November 22, 1963, or what remain of those records. The audio tapes of theAir Force One radio transmissions give us a unique porthole window view intowhat was happening at critical locations at a crucial time, and provide a wayinto the heart and bowls of the coup.
As noted in the investigation of homicides, if the motivefor the murder was elimination, then it is not the triggerman or killer whoprovides the clue and the links to those actually responsible, but the victimhimself. As other researchers have assumed this approach (as Vincent Salandria,Jim Root and Larry Hancock have done), and investigated the assassination fromthe top down rather than the bottom up, there should be a point where the twoapproaches meet and there is in the El Chico Restaurant parking lot in OakCliff.
If the assassination was a well planned coup in which thosewho killed the President also took over the reigns of government, then it wouldhave been conducted according to the well developed principles used to conductcoups, and as outlined in the operational manual, "Coup d'etat A Practical Handbook" (Ed Lutwak, Knof, NY, 1968).
According to Lutwak, it is imperative that those engineeringthe coup have complete control over key communications links during the firstcrucial hours of the operation.
While Lutwak's outline was designed for small Latin Americancountries, its basic principles remain the same for any coup, which is definedas a forceful change in power from within the government itself.
As President Kennedy himself noted on the morning of hisdeath that it would be very easy to murder the President while he was away fromthe White House, if this analysis is correct, and complete control overcommunications was a necessary attribute of the coup, then the assassinationhad to take place while the President was out of Washington and Air Force Oneradio communications were used.