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Occupy Everywhere - Sept 17th - Day of Rage Against Wall Street and what it stands for!
Mr., Mrs., or Ms. Ruffbear, if you prefer honorifics to show that you are opposed to an egalitarian society, you obviously haven't seen these three videos:
You can't impose democracy on anyone, you just stop imposing tyranny and what you have left is democracy.
Do you really think that people would rather have their jobs outsourced than participate in decision making?
Do you really think people would rather have their tax money spent on wars and bailouts they oppose than participate in decision making?
Do you really think that people would rather die from toxic corporate pharmaceuticals (a leading cause of death in this country), or a total lack of access to health care for themselves and their children than participate in decision making?
Do you really think that people would rather have the entire planet so polluted that it becomes unsuited for human life, than participate in decision making?
Do you really think that the people who sign petitions and vote don't want a voice in government?
Do you think that people who risk being beaten and arrested just to protest the government's policides, don't want to participate in decision making?
You're the one who doesn't want to participate in decision making and would rather vote for corporate puppets to make your decisions for you. Have you boycotted all Occupy Genderal Assemblies to show how much you don't want to participate in decision making? People want to participate in decision making so badly that even after being beaten, maced, pepper-sprayed, stun-gunned, and arrested, they keep coming back.
Many countries have democratic forms of government. Just because a government isn't a corrupt tyranny like ours, doesn't mean there is no government. Do you think Abraham Lincoln was insane when he spoke about "government of the people, by the people, and for the people?" That he was using hyperbole and fomenting hysteria?
You HAVE no participation. You BELIEVE that your votes are counted, but they really aren't. I know you won't watch the three videos in the article I just provided a link to, but other readers will and they will see how you are basing your beliefs on willful ignorance, denial, and refusal to face reality and look at the proven, documented facts. Watch the people in the second video cast their votes, and then look at what the results from the central tabulator say. That election official lost his job for pursuing the truth, by the way. He's a genuine hero of democracy. And if he couldn't tell that an election was rigged, how could you?
I haven't called for a general strike, although I have joined the call and support the strike. The general strike has been called for by various groups, including Occupiers, workers, unions, and many other sectors of the 99% who want a voice in government more than they want a job that doesn't pay a living wage, has no benefits, and can be outsourced tomorrow.
What I have called for is an election boycott in 2012.
I want social and economic justice for all, not just for a privileged few who are apparently happy with the status quo like you are. When was your job outsourced? When was your home fraudulently foreclosed? When were you denied coverage for you or your kids in a medical emergency?
There's a standing reward somewhere on the internet of a huge amount of money for anyone who can prove that a single vote on an electronic touch voting machine was ever counted accurately. It has been posted for years and nobody has ever stepped forward to claim the money. Watch the videos and see how easily elections are stolen--even you could do it. And this isn't with a touch screen, this is with the supposedly much more secure optical scanner. They have a video somewhere of a chimpanzee rigging an election, it's that easy. You may trust Goldman Sachs to report the results accurately, but some of us do not. In fact there are more of us who don't trust a government or any system within that government, including elections, where Goldman Sachs has so much influence, than there are people like you who do.
People are moving so fast that I can't keep up with them. Watch the woman weeping in the second video. I'm not certain, but that might be Vickie Karp, on of many prominent election integrity activists of the past decade. Listen to what she says. You're calling people like me names for telling the truth. Why do you want to hide the truth? Are you afraid of it?
I know you're more afraid of me, of other Occupiers, of your neighbors, of workers, of the poor, and of ordinary people than you are of the genocidal oligarchs in our government who commit crimes against humanity. You trust the war criminals, and you're quite sure that if you ask them, they'll allow you your useless convention, since it has no hope of changing anything and will leave the oligarchs in power. You just don't trust ordinary people. And there's only one possible reason that you wouldn't trust ordinary people, Ruffbear, and that's because you're not one of us, you're one of the 1% or working for the 1%. If you were one of us, one of the 99%, you'd know that we're much more competent, intelligent, hard-working, and compassionate than our government. We are the people. And like we always say, there ain't no power like the power of the people, 'cuz the power of the people don't stop. That's right!
Notice that I'm not trying to win you over. There's no such thing. There are people who are part of the 99% and don't realize it yet, but there are also people whose job it is to subjugate the 99% on behalf of the 1%. They can't be won over until the government falls and their paychecks stop, so it is a waste of time to try.
What I am trying to do in this discussion with you is to let other people see where you're coming from, what your attitudes are, and what your motivations are. Once they understand how stupid, lazy, incompetent, and contemptible you think we are, they will understand why your constitutional convention is just a gimmick to get out the vote for the 1%. For you, abrupt change would be catastrophic. It is different for us. Many of us will die if change doesn't come quickly enough. We're the ones without jobs, homes, or health care, and some of us are relatives and friends of innocent children being drone bombed by our government in other countries every day. We want to live and we want our sweet little nieces and nephews, and the darling nephews and nieces of our friends to live, so change can't come too quickly for us, only for you.
Oh, and by the way, this is not the 1920, China is not as totalitatiran as the US, the cold war is over, we won, and nothing changed. So we're mad as hell and we're not going to vote for your system any more. Not even if you run Hillary Clinton against Lady Gaga and put seven Constitutional amendments on the ballot. We know the game is rigged and we also know that the only ones still trying to pretend that it isn't are the conmen rigging the game and their shills who are in on it.
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Messages In This Thread
Occupy Everywhere - Sept 17th - Day of Rage Against Wall Street and what it stands for! - by Peter Lemkin - 29-03-2012, 07:01 AM

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