18-04-2012, 04:59 AM
Charles Drago Wrote:Stan,
Are you familiar with:
A. My hypothesis regarding the functions of the alleged Chicago and Miami plots in the greater conspiracy structure that always was intended to culminate in a Dallas attack, and JFK's 11-21-63 statement that there was no need to worry because "the Secret Service has taken care of it."
B. RFK's comment, pre-L.A., to the effect that, "I used to think I know how the words works. I didn't."
For starters.
The Miami and Chicago plots could have also been to see if there were any leaks in the conpiracy, and if so where they were coming from. If Oswald was an informant for the FBI as some believe, could this have also been to make him feel secure that his information was valuable, being passed on to the proper channels and protecting the President?
He reports similiar info about the Dallas trip that he did about Chicago, confident that what has transpired in the past will happen again. He's being played by a master puppeteer. And, whom might that be in the Intell community?
I am also reminded of RFK's comments about the division in government over Diem in late summer of '63... Harriman, Lodge, Forrestal and Hilsman on one side, JFK, RFK, Maxwell Taylor and McNamara on the other.
"The government was split in two. It was the only time, really in three years, [that] the government was broken in two in a very disturbing way."
Harriman and Lodge appeared to have their own agenda. And, why not if they knew President Kennedy was a dead man walking?
Similar to McGeorge Bundy's work on NSAM 273. Kennedy and his decisions were being ignored, and new course was being mapped out by the government.
There's a clip attached here of John McCain calling the Kennedy assassination an "intervention."
I can't yet find any piece of the puzzle that doesn't fit under: President Kennedy was a traitor for subverting his national security apparatus and must be removed from office. It seems to explain so much of how this may have happened.