18-04-2012, 08:53 PM
From my original Chicago hypothesis:
When Underwood told JFK about these disturbing reports,
the President merely said, "Marty, you worry about me too much"
(indeed, JFK told San Antonio Congressman Henry Gonzalez on 11/21/63:
"The Secret Service told me that they have taken care of everything.
There's nothing to worry about").
Thanks then and now to Phil Dragoo for finding the reference.
When Underwood told JFK about these disturbing reports,
the President merely said, "Marty, you worry about me too much"
(indeed, JFK told San Antonio Congressman Henry Gonzalez on 11/21/63:
"The Secret Service told me that they have taken care of everything.
There's nothing to worry about").
Thanks then and now to Phil Dragoo for finding the reference.