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How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen?

You began with a question along the lines of What's It All About, Alfie? and have come full circle with a production metaphor with some of our friends as playwrights and our Captain the victim of murder most foul by those responsible for backstage security.


You and George Michael Evica provide the model with sponsors, false sponsors, facilitators.

True sponsors preserve the Cold War as a fictive construct.

Supranational Security State uses nations, religions, war to control populations.

American corporatocracy false sponsor and facilitator.

David Rockefeller and Averell Harriman key players in supranational security state.

Khrushchev's "I am old; I will not fight," Read October.

QED the supranational security state preserved the fictive construct by destroying the conspiracy to explode it.

(Patton was leaving for the States and a senate run, a presidential bid, on to Moscow to finish the job; ended by a deuce-and-a-quarter T-boning. Forrestal was a less witting SecDef than Johnson, hence the Olson-like swandive from Bethesda 16. MacArthur might've destroyed Eastasia; action not allowed.)

Stan and Jan you make much of McCain's intervention. I sense he means it as Hillary meant much could happen, remember Robert Kennedy was assassinated. I think these two people mean things happen. Granted McCain was reduced to a shell by his five years in the Hanoi hotel, and Hillary booked Ron Brown's flight and other tours.

Our friend from Army intelligence just after the Korean War remarked in the darkest voice what a dangerous president Kennedy was. Elmer Moore (who badgered Perry for his tagteam mates Specter and Dulles) remarked he thought of JFK as a traitor giving things to the Russians. Moore in the Secret Service under Treasury whose acting head that day was Don Belin friend of Dulles, relative of DuPonts.

While we're talking of plane crashes, Joe, Jr. John F. Kennedy, Jr. The men who run the world are not taking applications.

In Donald Gibson, Battling Wall Street: The Kennedy Presidency, the major opponents of Kennedy policy included the Rockefeller-Morgan financial interests. In Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, by Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, it is seen that David Rockefeller at Chase Bank was a constant, though unsensational, power. The global campaign for markets, for resources, the subjugation of population and the installation of amenable governments had nothing to do with national interest, although national interest was an instrument.

In Srode is seen the Allen Dulles agency in procuring the twenty-million-dollar loan through the State Department for Germany in 1930. The man who excelled at pleasing powerful clients underplayed the threat of Hitler. The man who had been frolicking with two buxom blondes when Lenin called the U.S. delegation in Switzerland before entering the sealed train for Petrograd.

In whose interest was it to destabilize Russia and thus reduce the pressure on Germany. Allen was, in Dylan's phrase, "serving somebody" (a facilitator).

As Charles notes John F. Kennedy "realizes it was all a charade"in Douglass we see him in Vietnam in 1951. Surely the position of the French was not lost on the future president.

In my view Bobby knew from the first. Whatever public face he showed, it was that of the survivor, just as Lauren suggests was Caroline's behavior.

Our friend from the Boston and New York financial world reported to Caro in a letter he shared of Eliot Janeway's visit to the firm the summer of '63 hissing a warning what a "dangerous man this Kennedy is" and indeed, Kennedy ran counter to the exploitation of resources for the profit of the few.

In a similar fashion, Khrushchev was indicating a move to providing a better standard of living at the expense of the arms sector.

We remain in Afghanistan sharing the Manas transit station with the Russians vis-à-vis the all-important poppy crop. The border with Mexico is kept open for business with arms from the U.S. government.

The 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper "Iran: Time for a New Approach" by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert M. Gates insures that sanctions will be skirted through Citibank, while Russia will be able to balance its slump in arms sales to China with those to Syria.

Mack is Dunkel; Orwell was Blair: three superstates, one quadrilateral for contention, no end, merely rotating alliances and enemies: a fictive construct in the manner of the Cold War.

In a discussion of proofs of the existence of God, there comes a mention of prime mover. Substitute sponsor.

Or, if you will, avoid the mistaking of the finger pointing at the moon, for the moon.


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Messages In This Thread
How Did President Kennedy's Assassination Happen? - by Phil Dragoo - 20-04-2012, 10:10 AM

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