20-04-2012, 10:04 PM
Carmelo Ruiz on Thy Will Be Done (from Stan's #35 above):
Those who read books on American foreign policy in search of titillating revelations of sensational CIA covert operations while neglecting to study the social, political and historical context in which they are embedded will find this book a difficult, even annoying, read. Conspiracy buffs may have an encyclopedic knowledge of CIA intrigues and scandals, but they're not interested at all in doing the hard intellectual work of learning about the nature of the system of corporate profit and exploitation which intelligence agencies were created to serve.
". . .the system of corporate profit and exploitation which intelligence agencies were created to serve."
Ruiz' and Colby-Dennett's treatment is from outside the financial, religious, intelligence device.
One might consider the wondrous tale of Bernal Diaz in Conquest of Mexico. A military, religious expedition fueled by spies and treachery.
Today we have technology and tradecraft ever-refining, but all still to serve what seems to be a throne yet a throne resting upon the green felt of the house.
And the house in addition to having many rooms, has all of the thrones in those rooms.
Those who read books on American foreign policy in search of titillating revelations of sensational CIA covert operations while neglecting to study the social, political and historical context in which they are embedded will find this book a difficult, even annoying, read. Conspiracy buffs may have an encyclopedic knowledge of CIA intrigues and scandals, but they're not interested at all in doing the hard intellectual work of learning about the nature of the system of corporate profit and exploitation which intelligence agencies were created to serve.
". . .the system of corporate profit and exploitation which intelligence agencies were created to serve."
Ruiz' and Colby-Dennett's treatment is from outside the financial, religious, intelligence device.
One might consider the wondrous tale of Bernal Diaz in Conquest of Mexico. A military, religious expedition fueled by spies and treachery.
Today we have technology and tradecraft ever-refining, but all still to serve what seems to be a throne yet a throne resting upon the green felt of the house.
And the house in addition to having many rooms, has all of the thrones in those rooms.