24-04-2012, 03:43 PM
This book takes time because so much is presented. I find it best to absorb it in pieces before taking in the next portion.
In that I am not finished I suppose my comments will at this time have to be of a "for what its worth" nature.
As Dawn observed it did not take long for me to conclude the veracity and depth of research executed by Mr. Armstrong.
As for the social network fiascos I do not know of it as I don't do that stuff. A waste of my time IMHO.
I wanted to post my own opinion of this work even if I am not done reading.
I hope that we can compliment Baylor University for both providing the future access to Mr. Armstrong's working papers as well as they have done for Gen. Penn Jones. Jr. USA (retired) archives as well as.
Compliments I would add to those above for Mr. Jack White. This opinion is of long standing since the days of the aborted H.S.C.A. investigation. My own naiveté at that time, considered the conspiracy of the JFK coup to be a small one from the Intell/DOD houses (a few rogues) enforcing silence of the USG by holding dirty laundry from JEHoover's FBI files.
Then I saw and bought Jack White's Many Faces of Lee Oswald poster. It began my own reevaluation of my conception of the Coup of November.
Thank You Jack White for that awakening and for the presentation of Mr. Armstrong's speech and etc. above as well as your other efforts unmentioned here.
Thank You Mr. Armstrong.
Best Regards to all
I once swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. That oath NEVER expires, even when one no longer wears a uniform. I think Fletcher Prouty and Penn Jones Jr. would agree. It is our Republic and I want it back. Semper Fidelis.
In that I am not finished I suppose my comments will at this time have to be of a "for what its worth" nature.
As Dawn observed it did not take long for me to conclude the veracity and depth of research executed by Mr. Armstrong.
As for the social network fiascos I do not know of it as I don't do that stuff. A waste of my time IMHO.
I wanted to post my own opinion of this work even if I am not done reading.
I hope that we can compliment Baylor University for both providing the future access to Mr. Armstrong's working papers as well as they have done for Gen. Penn Jones. Jr. USA (retired) archives as well as.
Compliments I would add to those above for Mr. Jack White. This opinion is of long standing since the days of the aborted H.S.C.A. investigation. My own naiveté at that time, considered the conspiracy of the JFK coup to be a small one from the Intell/DOD houses (a few rogues) enforcing silence of the USG by holding dirty laundry from JEHoover's FBI files.
Then I saw and bought Jack White's Many Faces of Lee Oswald poster. It began my own reevaluation of my conception of the Coup of November.
Thank You Jack White for that awakening and for the presentation of Mr. Armstrong's speech and etc. above as well as your other efforts unmentioned here.
Thank You Mr. Armstrong.
Best Regards to all
I once swore an oath to defend and protect the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. That oath NEVER expires, even when one no longer wears a uniform. I think Fletcher Prouty and Penn Jones Jr. would agree. It is our Republic and I want it back. Semper Fidelis.