27-04-2012, 04:56 AM
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:"Arni - thank you for clarifying. Now let's discuss the meat of the post, with Stan's question, "Who was the "Bloefeld muse" again?", serving as the appetizer."You should really have asked: Could it be someone who managed to get part of his family crest (coat of arms) into the national emblem of East Germany. I would of course have answered: "You might say that Matty, but I couldnt possibly comment! " To quote the response to a reporter questioning the sly british prime minister in a tv mini series that was hopefully fictional. I am hoping that the FBI file has not been removed from the net. Its inclusion there could only have been an oversight by people that did not realize its possible significance. Why should a file on a suspended sentence violation be of significance, especially to some nameless beaurocrat that has no idea who the man with the white cat is or what he represents. I have not read his biography by the way. None of them. Now again I remind you of Thomas G. Buchanans conclusion on the Kennedy murders that the reason they were perpetrated in Dallas was that there the reach of a criminal organization extended to the Police authorities. And that the interests of the oil industry were at least influential in the decision to implement the assassination. And lets say that it is true that as some have alleged that Onassis financed the operation, is it not clear that he would have needed the OK of other members of (inspiration for spectre) bankers, the leaders of other corporations and of course the leaders with the most important intelligence connections. And this sort of assasination needs professional mechanics to carry them out and they need to be discreet, not certifiable rats like you find in the national mafia. Even those who run while others walk, might think tvice before going against these people. And the cleanup afterwards needs to be thorough, which possibly explains a lot of the subsequent deaths. Of course I am not certain that the muse for the man with the white cat was as deadly as portrayed in "You only live tvice", but perhaps Flemming felt that that was the case. This whole JFK matter reeks of an intelligence operation. The mob is usually too clumsy to carry out such an operation, and everybody ends up ratting on everyone involved. Also interesting is this story about Oswalds body being replaced by a double due to efforts of the KGB or the Cubans. It is rather similar to certain sequences of events in "never say never again". (or perhaps that inspired this story about Oswalds body) Flemming must have been interested in the JFK murder after having met the man personally. And of course he must have kept tabs on the bloefeld inspiration if he was investigating the oil industry, aerospace etc. for MI6, especially if (bloefeld) was involved with Onassis. Of course I am speculating that Howard Hughes provided some inspiration for "diamonds are forever" but that of course does not mean that Flemming was hired in relation to the aerospace industry or Howard Hughes but his stories do suggest at least an interest in aerospace.