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JFK and the Federal Reserve - A Historical Perspective
Kenneth Kapel Wrote:In response to the last post,why was Harry Truman selected to be FDR's running mate in 1944, replacing the more liberal and sitting Vice President Henry Wallace ? Those close to FDR knew that it was unlikely that he would survive his full term, thus handing the Presidency to the man from Missouri.yIMO the establishment doesn't hand the Presidency to anyone with out expecting a lot in return. Harry S. Truman helped to build the current National Security State,that we all love so well. Mr. Truman also was a McCarthyite before Joe McCarthy by establishing loyality oaths and subversive activity control boards. Another so called liberal, Woodrow Wilson established the Mammonish private Federal Reserve, real liberals are eliminated, phony ones are praised to high heaven.

Your questions are good ones, and important ones. I don't have an answer for every one, but your last question about Woodrow Wilson I might be able to shed some light on. The bankers who wanted to establish a privately owned central bank
met in secret on Jekyll Island and literally wrote the legislative act which would be presented for Congressonal action. Woodrow Wilson, a college professor at Princeton, was a candidate for the presidency in 1912. These bankers sent someone to Wilson to tell him that they would provide him with money for his political campaign if he would promise to sign the Federal Reserve Act into law when he became president. They may have made the same offer to his opponent as well. Wilson did win his 1912 election and he did keep his promise to sign the act into law. It seems that he may have thought that the Federal Reserve system would prevent the swings in the economy and provide the stability required in the nation's monetary system. Wilson was not a banker or an economist who could have understood what a privately owned central bank in control of the monetary system could do. There were many who were opposed to such a system, having awareness of U.S. history with central banks. Hindsight is always a great teacher; Wilson apologized to the American people for his mistake when he finally understood what had transpired as a result of his signing the Federal Reserve Act into law.

I remember Henry Wallace, a very progressive politician. Truman had the support of the very powerful Pendergast Democratic political machine in Missouri, but I don't know why he was able to be selected over a sitting vice-president - I'm thinking that there was something about a third party headed by Wallace, but that must have come later(?). Truman regretted signing the National Security Act of 1947 which also created the Central Intelligence Agency. Like Wilson, he also apologized to the American people on December 22, 1963, one month after the assassination of President John Kennedy, in the Washington Post newspaper. He had wanted the CIA only to furnish foreign intelligence to the president so that he (and other presidents) could make intelligent foreign policies and other decisions regarding foreign nations. He loathed the monstrous organization he had unwittingly created, and suspected the CIA of the JFK assassination.

There was a great deal of turmoil after the end of World War II. We had been wartime allies with the Soviet Union. but after the war there began a competition, an unnecessary one, I might add, with the Soviet Union over spheres of influence and stockpiling of nuclear weapons because German Nazis (Paperclip guests of the US) and Wall Street bankers, etc., were eager to see the US and USSR at war with each other*. This produced the hunt for domestic communists and 'fellow travelers' of which McCarthy was a part. That had a lot to do with breaking up labor unions and creating suspicions of their progressive-minded leaders. Artists, poets, writers, playwrights, screen directors, college and medical school professors even were hauled before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC). Loyalty oaths had to be signed. The country was seized by paranoia of the kind exhibited by the current Rep. West from Florida who claims 78-81 Democrats in Congress are communists. The Communist Party was outlawed as a political party in the 1950s. Incidentally, Joe McCarthy, in his very first political campaign for office in Wisconsin, according to Drew Pearson's biography of McCarthy, borrowed the Communist Party's platform for his own and won!

I'll see if I can find out more about the Wallace/Truman VP story.

*Remember President Eisenhower's warning to the American people to beware of the industrial-military complex.


Messages In This Thread
JFK and the Federal Reserve - A Historical Perspective - by Adele Edisen - 02-05-2012, 11:14 AM

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