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The Perfidy of Debra Conway: BOYCOTT JFK-LANCER
Classic Debby-Do duplicity.

Which is to say, classic agent-provocateur plea bargaining.

"I had this dream ... " "I never dreamed ... " "Why the hell would I want them to do" exactly what she's praising them for doing?

Contradiction after contradiction.

Depending on the enemy "to keep our dream alive" ... "to stop the plan to blockade Dealey Plaza" -- the very plan she is "glad" about.

Contradiction after contradiction.

Then come the heroics: "Where ever [sic] I can find a patch of ground in the Plaza[,] JFK Lancer will have a program." Except, Debby-Do (George Michael's pet dismissive name for you, by the way), you eagerly placed yourself in the position to have to do so.

Classic mole-poseur manipulation. Watch out for the set-up, as in "Debby-Do, through heroic acts of personal courage, gets the Sixth Floor and/or Dallas officials to relent and to permit a pro-truth speaker (perhaps for JFK Lancer???) to hold forth."

Theatrics, my friends. Theatrics, pure and simple. In support of the tragedy that played out in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963.

Speaking of which, let us now dutifully search for Debby-Do's inevitable expression of righteous indignation.

Now where or where can it be ...

Oops! There it is: "My opinion has NEVER ( yes I am yelling) been to keep us out or not to have our own gathering where we get to shout out our continued call for truth."

Debby-Do, please don't strain that sweet Texas lullaby of a voice. We hear ya, darlin'. We know you acted as a warrior for truth and justice -- even though you did everything in your power to bring about the circumstances against which you now tell us you will wage war. If, that is, the enemy gives you the OK.

Finally, there's this little gem that gives away Debby-Do's game: "[W]e don't agree with the official government findings."

We "don't agree" with the liars? Like we're engaged in a polite debate ... you know, of the sort that, after a hard day of liberating work, the Auschwitz Debating Club would stage ("Resolved: Vertical Stripes are Slimming"). Like the "official government findings" are worthy of respectful debate?

And by the way: With which set of "official government findings" do you disagree, Debby-Do? The WC's finding of no conspiracy? Or the HSCA finding of probable conspiracy?

Sounds like a doppelgang bang to me.

And now for my film treatment, Debby-Do Does Dallas:

God help me, but I have this image of Debby-Do and Dunkel copulating during the 50th ceremony behind the glass at the TSBD "sniper's window" ... Dunkel gives her three shots, one of which misses and hits the glass where his on-all-fours paramour's panting, flushed face is reflected ... as foul seed distorts that face into a double image, he pounds away to the rhythm of "The Eyes of Texas are Upon You" until she fakes a double and he withdraws and reaches for the rubber novelty item that will allow her to return the favor.

"I just love it when we do to each other what we've been doin' to the rubes for years," Debby-Do whispers as she straps on and Dunkel assumes the position.

Debby-Do Does Dallas ... and Dunkel ... and all the rest of us.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go poke out my mind's eye.

Messages In This Thread
The Perfidy of Debra Conway: BOYCOTT JFK-LANCER - by Charles Drago - 13-05-2012, 02:38 PM

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