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The Perfidy of Debra Conway: BOYCOTT JFK-LANCER
Martin Shackelford Wrote:I've certainly had my disagreements with Debra and with the Sixth Floor, and believe they are dead wrong on the Plaza commemorations, but let's use a little common sense.
The Lancer conferences and journal made valuable contributions; Lancer published some good research (including my own work on Oswald's military files); those and other contributions deserve recognition.
As for the Sixth Floor, they've released two valuable DVDs, and Gary Mack has collected a huge amount of materials formerly in private hands, and made it accessible to researchers. His journal Cover-Ups was one of the better ones.
Both deserve recognition for their positive contributions, and not blanket dismissal for their errors. Don't throw the babies out with the bathwater.

Martin Shackelford


First things first: Your presence on DPF is to be celebrated -- although I wish that you had arrived under happier circumstances.

For whatever it may be worth, I take no joy from any of this Conway business. As I've previously stipulated, JFK Lancer-funded conventions, publications (including some of your work), and videos indeed have benefited our shared efforts. I'll further agree that The Sixth Floor's DVDs which you reference are of value.

But aren't all honey traps baited with honey?

And aren't you concerned that Conway and her acolytes are now seeking refuge behind your work and the work of so many others? That they're attempting to deflect attention from the trap and to the honey?

I have not been to a JFK Lancer Dallas convention for more than ten years. Reports I've read on recent gatherings indicate that the very circus atmosphere that is now being used as an excuse to close down Dealey Plaza on the 50th has evolved, at least in part, as a consequence of JFK Lancer actions and/or non-actions. This needs to be clarified. How culpable, if at all, is JFK Lancer in the de-solemnifying of Dealey Plaza anniversary events? If culpability is to be noted, then is it the result of incompetence or something far more sinister?

Earlier on this thread I outlined Conway's self-contradictory stance on the 50th. The kindest interpretation one can give to what she's said and done is that she is a fool without the courage of her convictions. The least kind: That she is the enemy's agent.

Either way, we're screwed.

This morning I read that Conway's mother recently passed. This sad event must be acknowledged, as must its likely impact on the woman whose actions we scrutinize. A truce seems to be in order.

But all truces end. And this war in which we've been engaged for at least 49 years will continue at least until we display the courage to hold ourselves and our deepest, strongest affiliations to the highest imaginable moral, intellectual, and behavioral standards.

In solidarity,


Messages In This Thread
The Perfidy of Debra Conway: BOYCOTT JFK-LANCER - by Charles Drago - 14-05-2012, 02:35 PM

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