14-05-2012, 05:34 PM
I have read that John Armstrong became fascinated with the subject of "Harvey and Lee" after seeing a portfolio of Jack White's photos of Lee Harvey Oswald and impersonators. I came across this statement while doing research on Edwin Ekdahl, Marguerite's third husband. Some time back I had become aware that Ekdahl's father was Swedish, his mother and sister were born in Denmark, and that his first marriage was to a Danish citizen who was born in China. Ekdahl actually married her while he was in China, working for a Massachusetts-based poultry and egg company in Shanghai. Their son was born in Tsingtao, China. Ekdahl brought them to Massachusetts in the 1930's before divorcing the wife. For a while he worked in the Boston area as an engineer involving highway problems for a local government study. Out of the blue, we learn that after WWII began he turned in New Orleans in Jan. 1943 as a consultant with Ebasco, created in 1935. According to wikipedia, "The Electric Bond and Share Company was originally a holding company that sold securities of electric utilities. It was created by General Electric in 1905. The company was restructured after the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935. Later known as EBASCO Services, it provided engineering consulting and construction services. Among other projects EBASCO designed nuclear power plants. EBASCO was sold to Raytheon in 1993 and became part of a Raytheon subsidiary, United Engineers and Constructors." http://www.thefreelibrary.com/RAYTHEON+C...SITION+FOR+$210+MILLION-a014747711
Ebasco was based in New York, but sent Ekdahl to New Orleans, where he met Marguerite either before or while we worked at a hosiery shop. However, I have seen nothing that tells me how they met--through the workplace, living close to each other, mutual acquaintance or what. If anyone has seen this explained, I would appreciate finding this out.
Reading through Armstrong's book, I discovered that he totally ignored one of the addresses Ekdahl shared with the Oswald family. I recently wrote up the research in a blog post:
In the process of doing this research, I discovered what to me appeared to be a huge conflict of interest for Jack White, a Fort Worth native. He worked for an ad agency called Witherspoon & Associates, which also did public relations work. One of the firm's clients at the time White worked there was either Ebasco or the Texas Electric Service Co., the very company which employed Edwin Ekdahl at the time he met Marguerite, courted her in Dallas, married her in Rockwall, Texas, then moved her to a nice brick house in Benbrook before the two older boys returned from Chamberlain-Hunt academy for the summer of 1945. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/pic_j.htm
There was another statement in Pic's testimony that intrigued me because of previous research into the relationship between Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison and their political cronies. I wrote about this several years ago and recently posted on a different blog: http://wherethegoldis.blogspot.com/2012/...power.html
According to John Pic, his mother and Lee had moved into Benbrook, quite near the ranch of Elliott Roosevelt and his wife, one year after the Roosevelts moved out and conveyed their ranch to an unknown person who sold it to Sid Richardson not long before the Federal Government (Corps of Engineers) purchased it and Amon Carter's wife in 1952 pushed the button to cover the ranch under Lake Benbrook!
The first question that hit me was, "Why did John Armstrong ignore this detail?"
If anyone has the answer, I'd love to hear it.
Ebasco was based in New York, but sent Ekdahl to New Orleans, where he met Marguerite either before or while we worked at a hosiery shop. However, I have seen nothing that tells me how they met--through the workplace, living close to each other, mutual acquaintance or what. If anyone has seen this explained, I would appreciate finding this out.
Reading through Armstrong's book, I discovered that he totally ignored one of the addresses Ekdahl shared with the Oswald family. I recently wrote up the research in a blog post:
In the process of doing this research, I discovered what to me appeared to be a huge conflict of interest for Jack White, a Fort Worth native. He worked for an ad agency called Witherspoon & Associates, which also did public relations work. One of the firm's clients at the time White worked there was either Ebasco or the Texas Electric Service Co., the very company which employed Edwin Ekdahl at the time he met Marguerite, courted her in Dallas, married her in Rockwall, Texas, then moved her to a nice brick house in Benbrook before the two older boys returned from Chamberlain-Hunt academy for the summer of 1945. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/pic_j.htm
There was another statement in Pic's testimony that intrigued me because of previous research into the relationship between Sid Richardson, Clint Murchison and their political cronies. I wrote about this several years ago and recently posted on a different blog: http://wherethegoldis.blogspot.com/2012/...power.html
According to John Pic, his mother and Lee had moved into Benbrook, quite near the ranch of Elliott Roosevelt and his wife, one year after the Roosevelts moved out and conveyed their ranch to an unknown person who sold it to Sid Richardson not long before the Federal Government (Corps of Engineers) purchased it and Amon Carter's wife in 1952 pushed the button to cover the ranch under Lake Benbrook!
The first question that hit me was, "Why did John Armstrong ignore this detail?"
If anyone has the answer, I'd love to hear it.
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison