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Why we shouldn't take the Palestinian situation all that seriously
Lauren you are arguing with another triumph of Don's modding at the EF.

You all may recall that Lee Cahalan said all manner of nasty things about me some months ago. Indeed folks here's the threads at the EF where he's talked his anus infested smack!!! Note how people like Cahalan cannot debate the issues but make it all very personal.

He has also said a number of things about Jim DiEugenio. Now, I can handle barbs and slings (sheesh you've seen me wrestle with CD 'ouch' is all I have to say) but when you bring my pal Jim Di into all this. Well, that's when you're seriously screwing with the wrong guy! Lee Cahalan fully endorses John Hankey, Alex Jones and decries Jim DiEugenio and I for being disinformation agents simply for saying they suck the big kahuna! On top of that he fully endorses the bullshit Hankey=Fetzer treatise.
Which my reply to here at the DPF publically humiliated his insane pal Fetzer. JF could not acknowledge or answer any of my points or questions. Jim stepped up to belt Cahalan into orbit but then Don the numpty who had recently been shat on here by me for defending Ralph Cinque! Then criticised Jim for having me around lol. There was no admonishment of Cahalans bullshit comments from Don about Jim. Not even a sign of censure for the libellous shite he'd said about CTKA (Pat at least had the decency to give him a warning). Don obviously thinks Mr Cahalans stench is as important and valid as Jim Di's voice.

Well you do don't you Don?

Please take note here how Don Jeffries essentially defends this garbage from Cahalan. Yet he then goes running to Jim crying about me. Now folks Don's unpleasent exchange with me came about after Albert and I spoilt the little love session he had with Ralph Cinque while that walking abortion was on here. Don the big fan of Jim Di didn't think to step in here for this bullshit rant from Cahalan either!!!

Thus let's look at Don's defence of Cahalan here

I really hope Don you are enjoying witnessing another one of you're flowers getting crushed in front of you by this entire forum!!!!!!

As for you Mr Cahalan, I noticed you haven't even had the balls to find the John Hankey/Fetzer thread I put up here. Nor discuss the crap Fetzer said about my review. Is the fact he was publically humiliated here once again by close to an entire forum in the ensuing debate, the reason why you are steering clear? Hmmmm after seeing you're pitiful intellect and reasoning on display here once again Mr Cahalan. I am very, very, very glad to say that unlike the EF where conspirahypocrite loving dupes like you can enjoy the protection of the pitiful Tom Scully and Dandies like Don. You're stay here will be short, sharp and exceedingly painful.

Thank Jehovah once again Don is not a mod at DPF!
"In the Kennedy assassination we must be careful of running off into the ether of our own imaginations." Carl Ogelsby circa 1992

Messages In This Thread
Why we shouldn't take the Palestinian situation all that seriously - by Seamus Coogan - 10-06-2012, 08:20 AM

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