11-06-2012, 08:55 AM
Quote:Adele, interesting and not surprising piece on how propaganda is endlessly used to spin public opinion and create history and 'reality' [sic].
You are so right, Peter. What we read or hear in the mass media should be taken with a grain of salt (skepticism) until we know the facts. It's especially difficult when a foreign language is involved and one depends upon someone else's translation. It's even difficult when it is a 'sound bite' taken out of context and in one's own language. No one has the time and energy to research every headline these days. That's why scholars such as AM Chossudovsky perform an important service in contradicting the propaganda thrown out at us.
"...the words were not those of Ahmadinejad when he uttered them on October 25, 2005.
Rather, he was quoting the late Ayatollah Khomeini, and the point of Khomeini's thrust was not to wipe Israel, the nation, "off the map", but to change the Israeli regime, which is far different. "The rumor was fabricated by the American media with a view to discrediting Iran's head of state and providing a justification for waging an all-out war on Iran," Chossudovsky writes."