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nanoo-nanoo 9-11 Premiere Movie & Interview
Jeffrey Orling Wrote:Ed,

Please do something else then play thread tag.

My thinking is evolving... about 9/11. I don't expect to understand all the mysteries because not only can I not see all the evidence... but likely can't make sense of it. The sceince and engineering are quite complex... way more than any conspiracy theory.

I was 13 went JFK was shot... I attened Mark Lane talks and knew the conspiracy was not what we were told, but hard to know precisely what it was. When you don't have evidence or the knowledge to analyze it you can't understand what it is and you are forced to see it as a cartoon.

We have very serious problems in America... the world... and 9/11 is a rather small one in the scheme of things I'd say.

I was 15 when JFK was shot, and I've been studying 9/11 (and posting and blogging about it) since soon after John Kerry, the Bonesman-cum-Naval hero-turned-almost Presidential didn't say a word about the election of 2004.

I agree we have very serious problems in America, but 9/11 is emblematic of them, and plays a very large role, given its connections to military-industrial-fascist-corporate-Zionist hegemony, deep black financial shenanigans (see the Gaffney book et al), and the warrrsssz in the Middle East (still active, yes? I'm sure you're up to speed on the Israeli tanks on the Egyptian border, the Saudi tank order, the new Israeli Dolphin nuclear subs, the assignment of US combat troops to Kuwait, the Russian-Syrian war games (or not), peak oil and the depths of the Straits of Hormuz, etc. ad nauseum). Given the figures in and around 9/11 that were associated with Kroll, money, Iraq (jerry Bremer), WTC7 (Jerome Hauer), etc etc etc and the fact that plans were drafted and underway for the war in Afghanistan before 9/11, that the PATRIOT Act was written and waiting in a desk drawer, that 9/11 was forecast to a fair-thee-well in several places and ways, that Cheney's "lessons learned" from Iran-Contra has been documented (hey, I posted that stuff at E Pluribus Unum which earned me the invitation to be here), you keep looking for the scientific facts about the reasons why the towers fall down went boom while you wait for Godot.

As for the "stuff it where the sun don't shine" issue, my primary care physician agreed that I don't need a colonoscopy despite the fact that I haven't had one in over three years.

As for the civility issue, I held and argued at that old now-dead discussion board known as [where civility was written into the rules] that civility is not required when having a dialogue with people that defend the indefensible, when habeas corpus rights no longer exist, when the POTUS maintains the right to kill extra-judicially anyone he doesn't care for, when that same POTUS has stated that challenging the state on this issue is unacceptable, when I am on several counts already cited as a potential "domestic terrorist" because I hold the views that I do. Get real, Jeffrey. And stating that I can't argue the points is a tactic as old as the hills... But we're beyond that as a nation-state; it doesn't matter anymore, or didn't you get the memo?

When assassination is an open weapon of the many states actively involved in totalitarian/fascist power-hungry "all-spectrum dominance", when my every keystroke is subject to surveillance, when virtually everything I do is categorized and filed in deep cybernetic caverns in Utah, civility as a desirable trait is as likely to thrive as something trying to grow in the salt-alkaline deserts. Perhaps someone can "frack" it into place, or create some new type of "flame" software that will sing "Kum-bye-yah" and turn civility into a jazz standard.

"though I'm going out of my way just so I can pass by each day, not a single word do we say, it's a farcical display".
"Where is the intersection between the world's deep hunger and your deep gladness?"

Messages In This Thread
nanoo-nanoo 9-11 Premiere Movie & Interview - by Ed Jewett - 20-06-2012, 05:55 AM

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