20-06-2012, 11:29 AM
I am real. I don't for a minute doubt that TPTB have all sorts of nasty plans and look for the opportunity to advance them. Remember that meeting in the WH about Oil/Energy/ME they held soon after W took office and wouldn't release even who was in attendance IRRC. I wouldn't doubt that they discussed finishing off Sadam and moving in on his oil... if they could find an excuse.. or maybe create one.
We are a democracy in name and don't start wars of aggression. But we are an imperial power which makes the world an oyster for the multinationals and care boo about the people. They are managed and manipulated into support. Witness how we are *polled to death* to manage public sentiment... a fient to democracy and the notion that the people need to seemingly support TPTB.
I am real enough to see the complete and utter corruption of America, the influence of money in politics, the revolving door between gov and industry, the power of lobbyists, the absurdity of the huge military (industrial complex) when we have no demonstrable military threats out there, the warehousing of almost 2.5 million people mostly for non violent crimes, the phoney drug war to advance the police state and make insiders lots of cash, money laundering and the list goes on and on. I do not support this policies of the US, state, City or many local governments in the USA. The country is much closer to fascism than democracy and it can be argued we are living in a fascist country... and we don't have the legal power... or opportunity to change that. We've lost the fourth estate, elections are a series of tweedle dee and tweedle dum choices of candidates who support the fascism and the flimsy facade that the term democracy means in America.
There is no rational reason why Americans can't have a decent health care system which they can afford. But like 9/11 or any other issues it does not serve TPTB to provide it. Like the manipulated economy or the real estate industries the people are always a the short end of the stick and worse... creating wealth and having it sucked from them by TPTB.
There are people around the world who increasingly are pissed off at the USA and its MIC and willing to strike back in any way they can as a result of the devastation they suffer from our policies. Castro toppled the corrupt Battista regime which had made Cuba the playground for the US corporations. They fought to take back and keep them out. Bravo to them!
I think we have seen the end to those sorts of guerilla struggles as the USA has increased military support to their surrogate thugs around the world to suppress and oppress the people. Terrorism is how they now fight back. The Palestinians use it against Israel's oppression but call it struggle for national self determination.
Of our lovely FBI and CIA exploited the fear of terrorism and use this fear to manipulate the people and get what they want. They've engaged in stings, entrapment and even false flags to advance their agenda of full spectrum dominance. Their agenda is clear and they certainly know how to control the people and the their response with PR. The media is now no different than Pravda. Independent media is isolated and marginalized... or likely infiltrated.
None of this means that every event has been planned and staged. None of this negates the notion that TPTB haven't created the conditions for terrorism to bloom and that's peachy keen with them because it allows them to advance their agenda whenever there is an incident large or small. Without a enemy or a threat they have no franchise. But as long as we keep pissing people off they will find a way to make lemons out of lemon aid every time there is trouble.
911 is emblematic certainly of how we are managed, manipulated and controlled to advance the imperial agenda of TPTB... but it is not necessarily emblematic of a vast conspiratorial approach to every single event in history. Shit happens and they are prepared for it. They even create their little events when it suits them. London 7/7 seems to be just that.
Did these guys realize how valuable terrorism could be to them post 911 if it moved from the third world to the industrial centers of the West? You betcha. And they are not going to let a good thing go. Whether they planned 9/11 or not, they saw how easily it was to exploit it... perhaps how effective their response plans were. Everyone knew Pearl Harbor was a game changer and got the isolationist Americans to run and recruit to fight overseas. Of course this became a model of public sentiment management for a war. Many will say that Pearl Harbor was a MIHOP or a LIHOP but the result was we got war and the MIC partied like it was 1999.
Remember the BS in Grenada where RR told us the USSR was building forward bases and we had to go in and destroy them and protect a handful or med students? Only the rational in the USA saw through this sort of BS. These guys understand fasle flags. Reichstag was a simply patsy starting a fire... worked like a charm. These SOBs know from their psychological research and polling how to play the people.
Is blow back real or just a BS? Does terrorism exist or not? Will TPTB act opportunistically at every turn or not? TPTB didn't have to run 911 as a operation... they only had to let it happen and maybe help it along so that they could advance their agenda. Terrorists ARE their best buds. Without them they would be hunting for a new enemy. It worked for a decade, but the people are turning against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan... more soldiers are killing themselves than being killed in the battlefield. Recruitment is off and so stop loss is how they keep the ranks filled. They are hunting for a new disaster to control the people... How about the financial collapse? You don't think it would lead TPTB to abandon capitalism and create a more equitable system? Hell no... We may be seeing the return of real feudalism... we're almost there now.
I think we agree on who is managing response and running PR... but perhaps less so on the overarching conspiratorial nature of world events. Was JFK a conspiracy? You betcha and it was covered up too. The lawlessness worked. They got their Vietnam War... didn't they? And the nuclear arms race .. didn't they?
They work in the shadows and we may never know...
I am real. I don't for a minute doubt that TPTB have all sorts of nasty plans and look for the opportunity to advance them. Remember that meeting in the WH about Oil/Energy/ME they held soon after W took office and wouldn't release even who was in attendance IRRC. I wouldn't doubt that they discussed finishing off Sadam and moving in on his oil... if they could find an excuse.. or maybe create one.
We are a democracy in name and don't start wars of aggression. But we are an imperial power which makes the world an oyster for the multinationals and care boo about the people. They are managed and manipulated into support. Witness how we are *polled to death* to manage public sentiment... a fient to democracy and the notion that the people need to seemingly support TPTB.
I am real enough to see the complete and utter corruption of America, the influence of money in politics, the revolving door between gov and industry, the power of lobbyists, the absurdity of the huge military (industrial complex) when we have no demonstrable military threats out there, the warehousing of almost 2.5 million people mostly for non violent crimes, the phoney drug war to advance the police state and make insiders lots of cash, money laundering and the list goes on and on. I do not support this policies of the US, state, City or many local governments in the USA. The country is much closer to fascism than democracy and it can be argued we are living in a fascist country... and we don't have the legal power... or opportunity to change that. We've lost the fourth estate, elections are a series of tweedle dee and tweedle dum choices of candidates who support the fascism and the flimsy facade that the term democracy means in America.
There is no rational reason why Americans can't have a decent health care system which they can afford. But like 9/11 or any other issues it does not serve TPTB to provide it. Like the manipulated economy or the real estate industries the people are always a the short end of the stick and worse... creating wealth and having it sucked from them by TPTB.
There are people around the world who increasingly are pissed off at the USA and its MIC and willing to strike back in any way they can as a result of the devastation they suffer from our policies. Castro toppled the corrupt Battista regime which had made Cuba the playground for the US corporations. They fought to take back and keep them out. Bravo to them!
I think we have seen the end to those sorts of guerilla struggles as the USA has increased military support to their surrogate thugs around the world to suppress and oppress the people. Terrorism is how they now fight back. The Palestinians use it against Israel's oppression but call it struggle for national self determination.
Of our lovely FBI and CIA exploited the fear of terrorism and use this fear to manipulate the people and get what they want. They've engaged in stings, entrapment and even false flags to advance their agenda of full spectrum dominance. Their agenda is clear and they certainly know how to control the people and the their response with PR. The media is now no different than Pravda. Independent media is isolated and marginalized... or likely infiltrated.
None of this means that every event has been planned and staged. None of this negates the notion that TPTB haven't created the conditions for terrorism to bloom and that's peachy keen with them because it allows them to advance their agenda whenever there is an incident large or small. Without a enemy or a threat they have no franchise. But as long as we keep pissing people off they will find a way to make lemons out of lemon aid every time there is trouble.
911 is emblematic certainly of how we are managed, manipulated and controlled to advance the imperial agenda of TPTB... but it is not necessarily emblematic of a vast conspiratorial approach to every single event in history. Shit happens and they are prepared for it. They even create their little events when it suits them. London 7/7 seems to be just that.
Did these guys realize how valuable terrorism could be to them post 911 if it moved from the third world to the industrial centers of the West? You betcha. And they are not going to let a good thing go. Whether they planned 9/11 or not, they saw how easily it was to exploit it... perhaps how effective their response plans were. Everyone knew Pearl Harbor was a game changer and got the isolationist Americans to run and recruit to fight overseas. Of course this became a model of public sentiment management for a war. Many will say that Pearl Harbor was a MIHOP or a LIHOP but the result was we got war and the MIC partied like it was 1999.
Remember the BS in Grenada where RR told us the USSR was building forward bases and we had to go in and destroy them and protect a handful or med students? Only the rational in the USA saw through this sort of BS. These guys understand fasle flags. Reichstag was a simply patsy starting a fire... worked like a charm. These SOBs know from their psychological research and polling how to play the people.
Is blow back real or just a BS? Does terrorism exist or not? Will TPTB act opportunistically at every turn or not? TPTB didn't have to run 911 as a operation... they only had to let it happen and maybe help it along so that they could advance their agenda. Terrorists ARE their best buds. Without them they would be hunting for a new enemy. It worked for a decade, but the people are turning against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan... more soldiers are killing themselves than being killed in the battlefield. Recruitment is off and so stop loss is how they keep the ranks filled. They are hunting for a new disaster to control the people... How about the financial collapse? You don't think it would lead TPTB to abandon capitalism and create a more equitable system? Hell no... We may be seeing the return of real feudalism... we're almost there now.
I think we agree on who is managing response and running PR... but perhaps less so on the overarching conspiratorial nature of world events. Was JFK a conspiracy? You betcha and it was covered up too. The lawlessness worked. They got their Vietnam War... didn't they? And the nuclear arms race .. didn't they?
They work in the shadows and we may never know...