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A Mediterranean Battlefield - Syria
Syria is the latest secular regime to be replaced by an Islamist one.

The Obama Administration including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton found no need to intervene on behalf of a people's revolution in Iran in 2009.

The 2004 Council on Foreign Relations paper by Zbigniew Brzezinski and Robert Gates "Iran: Time for a New Approach" called for negotiations.

One might argue there are U.S. sanctions in play, but upon examination, these are not serious, and the list of waivers includes more nations as time passes. India is a large user of Iran oil.

Of course CIA is on-scene in Syria. Russian arms sales are up. The quadrilateral described by Orwell is being used as the arena.

Why in fact did we go to Iraq. Not for ourselves, but rather for either Saudi or Iran, two disparate schools, or so we are told.

Kenneth Waltz in the current Foreign Relations "Why Iran Should Get the Bomb" is showing the hand.

Iran will be part of the business model. Syria is hopelessly recalcitrant.

Lieberman wrote Clinton asking the secretary of state to explain the exclusion of Israel from the counterterrorism forum.

Jesse Jackson did so some years ago with his remark, "Zionists will no longer be in the driver's seat."

The concept has since subsided as the play is outside that.

The Arab Spring has without doubt ridden on CIA arms and cash.

We live in ironic times when POTUS requires latino diners to give up their forks and knives for his speech, while providing their drug lords thousands of semiautomatic weapons.

With one hand emphasizing a 2013 Afghan withdrawal, while the other signs the midnight accord with Karzai good through 2024.

At the May 1994 commencement of the USNA Clinton in a 32-minute apologia insisted he could not arm the Bosnianswhen he was allowing Iran to do so.

Now he appears to undermine the president whose roots lie in a fertile bed of CIA and AUB potting soil, now tended by a SecState with a body person serving as a Saudi agent of influence.

Is U.S. military expertise used with Saudi cash under a global plan more a business model than a confrontation of nation states, religious faiths, political ideologies.

The signs are up: Deep Political Forces at Work.

Please Excuse the Dust. And Blood.

Messages In This Thread
A Mediterranean Battlefield - Syria - by Phil Dragoo - 23-06-2012, 08:52 AM

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