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JFK and the Federal Reserve - A Historical Perspective
Thu, July 5, 2012 1:45:33 PM
AMI Fourth of July message
By Stephen Zalenga, Director of AMI

From: The American Monetary Institute <>

Dear Friends of the AMI,

I'm sending you this 4th of July message, on the fifth, because yesterday I was "occupied" giving a monetary reform talk to about 200 "Occupy Chicago" people. A smaller group within the 200 signed up for a series of 10 meetings, where they will become "expert" in monetary reform questions, using my book, The Lost Science of Money, and when they pass some written and Oral tests, they will receive an AMI certificate of achievement. Expert, certainly in relationship to what Anglo-American economists ever learn about monetary matters, and the reforms now necessary.
With temperatures over 100 degrees, fortunately it was an outdoor meeting, in Lincoln Park, under shade trees, a thousand yards from Oak Street Beaches' North Ledge, where I swam 3 miles earlier in the day. Hopefully your Fourth of July was as pleasant, and productive!

Attached, and below, is AMI's traditional Independence Day talk. I finished my talk to the Occupy meeting, by reading it to them.
Friends, please do recirculate and forward this message to your email contacts!

A Happy Fourth to you,
Stephen Zarlenga

A July 4th message to friends of the American Monetary Institute,

Dear Fellow Americans, and friends around the Earth,
This 4th of July as we proudly celebrate our declaration of independence from the tyranny of a mad Brit King, lets remember the victory a small group of dedicated, courageous men and women achieved against the world's most powerful military of their time.

It was a victory that appeared extremely improbable at best, as they pledged their lives to fight for its success. And as events and battles were fought, the possibility of a favorable outcome grew even smaller. But at the right moment, help from France turned the tide and the British were defeated.

Defeated militarily, but not monetarily. For soon after the Constitution was ratified, in 1791 the 1st Bank of the United States, a privately owned and privately controlled central bank was put through Congress by Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton, modeled on the private Bank of England. The gang around that bank were more dangerous than King George the 3rd; and the Hamilton people thereby insinuated into the New World forces representing the most evolved secular form that evil had attained in the Old World - a privately controlled Central Bank. Thanks a lot Hamilton!

Jefferson fought the bank, helping to bring it down and Burr killed Hamilton over public insults; but privately issued money had gained a foothold in America. It's still here, in control of our monetary system. It's the root cause of most of our social and economic problems. Whenever it caused crises in the past, our government had to come to the rescue. It's latest atrocity is the current monetary, banking and economic crisis, threatening to take the entire world economy down into depression, and destroy the lives of billions of people in the process.

It must end now! This crisis gives us our only opportunity to reform our monetary system and eliminate the private creation of money; to eliminate the privilege banks have to create our money supply when they extend loans; to eliminate using debt for money!

The American Monetary Institute has published its research results in the book The Lost Science of Money (drawn from a study of over 800 monetary books and sources). The first 23 chapters focus on the monetary case studies from Aristotle forward. Then Chapter 24 summarizes what those studies teach us and how that should be applied to solving today's dilemma. (If you don't have and read a copy of that book, then Shame on you! Its a most productive way you can donate to the American Monetary Institute)

The American Monetary Act (and Kucinich's HR 2990) puts that plan into legislative form. See

Each September (24th - 27th in 2009) we hold a monetary reform conference at Roosevelt University in Chicago where activists and advanced monetary researchers present talks and programs on monetary reform. There is a Discount ($285 instead of $395) for registrations made by July 18th. See the speakers now at

HR 2990 ( is legislation which fundamentally reforms the private CREDIT/DEBT system now wrecking our nation, and the World, replacing it with a government MONEY system.

HOW: The Federal Reserve is dismantled; the few necessary parts become incorporated into the U.S. Treasury. Banks no longer have the accounting privilege of creating our money supply. All their previously issued credit is converted into U.S. Money through an elegant and gentle accounting change, which has been described as brilliant by a former officer of the NY Fed. The banks are held accountable for this conversion. New money is then introduced by the government spending it into circulation for infrastructure, starting with the $2.2 trillion the engineers tell us is needed to properly maintain our infrastructure over the next 5 years. Infrastructure will include the necessary human infrastructure of health care and education.

Banks are encouraged to continue lending as profit making companies, but are no longer allowed to create our money supply by loan making activity.

Thus, The American Monetary Act nationalizes the money system, not the banking system. Banking is absolutely not a proper function of government, but providing the nation's money supply is a key function of government. No one else can do it properly. Talk of nationalizing the banking business may really act like a poison pill to block real reform. Talk of having states go into banking is even worse, since it further legitimizes the pernicious fractional reserve system, instead of fixing the problem by ending it!

Despite prejudice against government, most people are surprised to learn that history shows government has a far superior record in controlling the money system than private controllers have. And yes that includes the Continental Currency, the Greenbacks and even the German Hyperinflation; which by the way took place under a completely privatized German central bank!

WHO WILL EDUCATE OUR PEOPLE AND CONGRESS: The American Monetary Institute, organized in 1996 as a publicly supported charitable trust, is the leading U.S. think tank on monetary history, theory and reform.

WHY: Because the crisis our present malformed banking and money system has caused is crying out for reform, not merely regulation. It has visibly brought the world economy to its knees; it has concentrated wealth to unacceptable levels, and it now places the future development of humanity at risk.

WHY? Considering the nature of modern weapons systems, leaving the same people and families in power risks the survival of the species. Some of them watching the past 16 years, must realize that. Lets hope they do the right thing. But lets not depend on it!

I mentioned that the French played a key part at the start of our nation. Today their gift to us of the Statue of Liberty still plays a crucial role for us and for humanity. The liberty she symbolizes does not exist in our nation. It never really has. The Statue has always been a symbol encouraging us towards the possible. I love that statue and when I lived in New York, I often anchored my motor boat under it, and some of my fondest memories are of those times as the sun set over New Jersey, reflecting off the still standing Twin Towers; or anchored under the spectacular fireworks display there during the bicentennial celebration.

Friends, we are all under pressure in this environment. Stress will cause illness unless you act. Action will destroy fear! Good action towards truth will change the world. Join with us to understand the nature of our money system, how it should be structured and how we citizens can effect such change. Thats what our country's founders would be doing now if they were of our time. Thats what men and women of good will, can be doing now!

Well thats it for now. Get in touch! Stay in Touch! Read the book. Come to the conference!
Stephen Zarlenga
AMI (free monetary CDs can be ordered there)

"Over time, whoever controls the money system
controls the nation."
Stephen Zarlenga
American Monetary Institute
(224) 805-2200

American Monetary Institute, PO BOX 601, Valatie, NY 12184, USA


Messages In This Thread
JFK and the Federal Reserve - A Historical Perspective - by Adele Edisen - 06-07-2012, 09:04 AM

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