21-07-2012, 08:41 PM
I have seen it mentioned James Holmes' tenure at UC Riverside is a cross-pollination with Jolly West's legendary Neuropsychiatric Institute.
The inference is that Holmes tired of studying mind control and became a project.
What I find of most interest is the reported phone call he received before rising from his seat, leaving through a door he propped open, suiting up, returning fully activated and going hot.
Questions include, why was the exit door not alarmed, as in FIRE DOOR - EMERGENCY EXIT - ALARM WILL SOUND
There will always be a plausible cover, that he was historically unstable, that he'd suffered a romantic or career setback, et cetera
In point of fact McVeigh bought Clinton 11 points and re-election, while continuing the New World Order of GHWBush and their upstream sponsors.
McVeigh was visited by Jolly and proceeded to execution without delay
Ruby was visited by Jolly and would die conveniently at an appropriate time
Sirhan's block has held for forty-four years
Did James' Holmes caller ID read POLKA DOT DRESS GIRL and the text: SHOWTIME
I have seen it mentioned James Holmes' tenure at UC Riverside is a cross-pollination with Jolly West's legendary Neuropsychiatric Institute.
The inference is that Holmes tired of studying mind control and became a project.
What I find of most interest is the reported phone call he received before rising from his seat, leaving through a door he propped open, suiting up, returning fully activated and going hot.
Questions include, why was the exit door not alarmed, as in FIRE DOOR - EMERGENCY EXIT - ALARM WILL SOUND
There will always be a plausible cover, that he was historically unstable, that he'd suffered a romantic or career setback, et cetera
In point of fact McVeigh bought Clinton 11 points and re-election, while continuing the New World Order of GHWBush and their upstream sponsors.
McVeigh was visited by Jolly and proceeded to execution without delay
Ruby was visited by Jolly and would die conveniently at an appropriate time
Sirhan's block has held for forty-four years
Did James' Holmes caller ID read POLKA DOT DRESS GIRL and the text: SHOWTIME