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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver

Aurora Massacre: What Does the Location of the Gas Mask Tell Us? What About Security Cameras? Are They Related?

Posted on July 22, 2012 by willyloman
by Scott Creighton
UPDATE: I just found out that the judge in this case has sealed the case because disclosure of the facts would be "contrary to public interests" and that the request to do that was made on Friday just hours after the event.
The motion, filed in Arapahoe County court, asks for the records in the case to be sealed, including search warrants, affidavits, orders and the "case file."
The District Attorney's affidavit says prosecutors are investigating first-degree murder charges against Holmes, but that disclosure of the court records would be "contrary to public interest" and "could jeopardize the ongoing investigation." The Daily
UPDATE 2: The Washington Post has done a map of the scene and just like I pointed out, the gas mask is clearly past the corner as if the assailant was on his way to the road. See their photo mark-up at the end of the article.
UPDATE 3: Got a mention in a thread at Above Top Secret. I like that site. Read the comment at the end of the article.

As I was scanning through a number of heart breaking photos from the aftermath of the Dark Knight massacre in Aurora Co. this morning, I noticed something very interesting; actually a couple of interesting things stood out.Primarily I noticed that the gas mask was found a long way away from where James Holmes was arrested and the other equipment was found. I also think I found an image of a security camera mounted on the back of the theater pointing down toward where the car was parked and the theater exit was. And as luck would have it, that is the exact same location the gas mask was found as if the assailant traveled the length of the building and dropped the mask once he was out of the view of the camera.
I have done my best to compile photos and the layout of the scene at the back of the theater for your consideration.
The first was the fact that early reports had claimed the shooter was still wearing his equipment when the cops first found him next to his car and he was still carrying all of his weapons except for one Glock 40 which was found in his car. This is an important aspect of the case because how else would they have known he was the shooter amid all that chaos. Also interesting is the fact that they didn't just shoot the guy. He was apparently still carrying an assault rifle and a shotgun and decked out in tactical armor… so how did he just end up surrendering "meekly" as some reports claim?
The answer is simple: he wasn't carrying the guns and he wasn't still wearing the armor. So, how did they know they had the right guy?
"Holmes was apprehended within minutes of the 12:39 a.m. shooting at his car behind the theater, where police found him in full riot gear and carrying three weapons, including an AR-15 assault rifle, which can hold upwards of 100 rounds, a Remington 12-gauge shotgun, and a .40 Glock handgun. A fourth handgun was found in the vehicle." ABC News
But this report flies in the face of the evidence at the scene and the vast number of police photos taken.
[Image: armor-on-ground-2.jpg?w=281&h=258]
From the above photo you can clearly see he had striped off his armor on the way to his vehicle and in fact, the AR-15 was found just inches outside the exit door, meaning he could not have still had it when the cops found him unless they let him walk back the 30 or so feet to the door to lay the weapon down there.
[Image: close-up-ar15.jpg?w=281&h=410]
It's important to understand the layout of the location where the assailant left the building to return to his car. Let's put that into perspective right off the bat.
[Image: screen-shot-rear-of-building.jpg?w=468&h=262]
As you can see from the compilation of crime scene photos below, the assailant left the building from the door between the two sections and next to the utility area beside where he parked. He could not have found a parking space closer to that door if he tried. As you can see, his Ar-15 was found right beside the door where he apparently dropped it upon leaving the theater. The blood makes it clear that was the exit to the theater where the massacre took place.
[Image: article-1.jpg?w=468&h=339]
So if he did indeed drop his primary weapon at the door when he left, how did the cops know he was the assailant? It's possible he was still carrying the shotgun and wearing the body armor and the gas mask, but that seems to be contradicted by other photos with one VERY interesting piece of evidence…
Notice where the gas mask location is, at the end of the building. That's VERY important…
[Image: article-2.jpg?w=468&h=354]
When I first started researching this article, I was consumed by the question of locating the security cameras covering this business's parking and access areas. I had wondered why there has been literally no discussion of the security camera footage from that night.
What I found may be more damning than I could have imagined: yes there are security cameras mounted on the building on the front and apparently on the back shooting down the length of the rear of the building and if someone were walking down that sidewalk after leaving that exit, then their face would be clearly visible on that camera because they would have been walking directly toward it.
[Image: rear-building-camera.jpg?w=468&h=246]
So, if an assailant were to leave the theater via that exit and head in that direction, then obviously he would want to leave his mask on until he was out of the viewable area of the camera.
As it turns out, the gas mask seems to have been dropped directly under the camera itself.
But why head in that direction? Because it is the closest access to the main road right next to the theater and a waiting vehicle and escape. It wouldn't do to try to blend in with the crowd because the police may detain witnesses and start asking questions they might not want to answer. Plus then there would be a record of the individual on site and that might not be good in the future. The best bet would be to get off property as soon as possible and that exit path provides the fastest way to do that.
[Image: article-3.jpg?w=468&h=351]
Is it possible that James Holmes was set up? Think about this:
  • James Holmes goes out Tuesday night drinking and someone doses him. They do it early Wed morning so they have time in his apartment to set up those elaborate traps (how would James have known how to construct those anyway?)
  • They keep him drugged and off the radar till Thursday night when they go to the theater. They make sure to park in that spot, right next to the exit of the theater.
  • The assailant goes in, fakes the phone call, comes out, goes to the car where James is still drugged, gets the gear on, goes in and attacks the innocent civilians.
  • Then the assailant comes out the exit door, leans against it while dropping the gun and removing almost all of his gear with the exception of the mask.
  • He runs past the car dropping the gear next to it in a heap, opens the door with James inside, tosses the guns into the car, the shotgun has been there all along, and goes straight down the length of the building toward the corner, toward the camera, drops his mask directly under the camera, and heads off to the nearby street where a car is waiting (cruising slowly) to pick him up.
  • Holmes is reported to have been "meek" when arrested. This might also explain why he wasn't shot by police… he was incapacitated, incoherent, or generally not a threat.
  • Holmes, who is being held under suicide watch in solitary confinement, remained in his murderous "Joker" persona after his arrival, a jailhouse worker told the Daily News."He thinks he's acting in a movie," a prison employee told the Daily News.
There is no way of telling if this is actually what happened but we have to take all of the evidence, including the physical evidence into consideration and part of that evidence is the apparent lack of anyone talking about the security camera videos. Those cameras on the front of the building should show James Holmes entering the building at the very least so where are they?
And what other explanation is there for that gas mask to be located so far from the rest of the equipment and James and his car? Clearly the police didn't carry it down there and drop it on the ground for the fun of it?
I am still searching for more pictures of the rear of that building and specifically anything that shows the roof section where I think that camera is.
While it is possible that Holmes did this, it is also possible that the same thing happened here that happened at the recent Kandahar Massacre where a man was drugged and set up for an atrocity he had nothing to do with. Considering the nature of the world we live in, I think it would be irresponsible for me not to report this information as I found it and to not question the "official story" of the "crazed lone gunman" that we see over and over again especially when unpopular landmark legislation is waiting in the wings.
Billionaire New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is using this tragedy to push for stricter gun control laws. I wonder if he is one of the financial elites who have just been outed for hording 32 trillion dollars in off shore accounts? Can you imagine why someone like him would want to disarm the citizens of this country?

UPDATE 2: Washington Post map of Aurora crime scene. Also of note: at that site, they state that Holmes left the theater just as the film started around 12 and didn't return til 12:35 as if he was deliberately waiting for the shootout scene. Why would he do that? Because the gunshots wouldn't be heard in the other theaters running the late night showing of the same movie. Then he is out the door and the first 911 calls at 12:39. 90 seconds later they just happen to find James hanging out next to his car in the back and take him into custody. According to the Washington Post timeline, the shooting only took between 60 and 90 seconds that leaves plenty of time for an assailant to go out the back, ditch the gear, and run the length of the building before the cops were even called. The timeline is below the photo…
Notice the Washington Post photo puts the gas mask even farther down the path to the nearby street than I did.
[Image: post-version.jpg?w=468&h=330]
Washington Post timeline of events:
Around midnight The screening began. Holmes allegedly approached an emergency exit to the right of the screen, propped open the door and geared up.
Around 12:35 a.m. Dressed in black SWAT gear, Holmes allegedly came back through the door, hurled two canisters of an unknown gas and opened fire on the audience. He allegedly walked up the aisle, firing as he went. The shots lasted 60-90 seconds. The bullets pierced the wall of Theater 8 next door.
12:39 a.m. Police began receiving emergency calls.
90 seconds later Officers arrived at the theater and almost immediately arrested Holmes, who was next to his white Hyundai outside a rear entrance to the theater.
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"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver - by Magda Hassan - 23-07-2012, 04:47 AM

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