31-03-2009, 04:04 PM
I recently bought a complete set of Audio and Video DVD's of Mae Brussell radio and TV broadcasts. I zeroed in on one numbered #316, which was the broadcast before Mae announced that she was scheduled as a witness in the trial brought by a Texan named Charles Winans as plaintiff (Melvin Belli of California was his attorney) against Rolling Stone and Paul Krassner, author of an article stating that Winans had coordinated an attack using Charles Denton "Tex" Watson to manipulate or set up Charles Manson and his girls to kill Sharon Tate and others, operating under Naval Intelligence.
That tape (#317) is available in MP3 at this link. http://www.maebrussell.com/CD%20catalog/...t%202.html
Immediately preceding that broadcast, Mae discussed her theory of an international narcotics smuggling network (she calls it the Ajax File) which had long been operating through Interpol. She goes into the history of that "international police" agency beginning in 1924 when Hitler was first being groomed to take over in Germany after WWII for a fascist network of drug smugglers; then traces the history up to the collapse of Germany in 1945 and the transfer of Interpol to France in 1946. She says the SDECE was French counter-intelligence organization working with Interpol, which had no financing because it was a cooperative network of European countries designed to fight communism, i.e. my interpretation: anyone deemed an enemy of the banking cartels then in control of international trade payment mechanisms.
Since Interpol had no authorized funding, it was required to finance itself and had free reign, since its headquarters moved to France, to fund itself through narcotics being funneled from the French colonies in Indo-China through the ports in Marseilles. She indicates that Paul Helliwell during his days in OSS was seconded to this unit to observe how things operated in Post-war Interpol and SDECE. He set up a similar operation later in the CIA, especially once the French left Vietnam in 1954 and the U.S. took over the funding. It was in 1954 that the U.S. officially joined Interpol and continued funding it to finance whatever it was that Interpol was trying to accomplish. Mae says it was not designed to prosecute and remove international narcotics dealers because it never did so.
I will try to upload the MP3 tape #316 to the section of the Forum where these are stored.
30 min.
OUI, Mae Brussell, New West, INTERPOL, Ajax File, French Connection, Narcotics, CIA, Drug Traffic, Police, International Police Collusion.
That tape (#317) is available in MP3 at this link. http://www.maebrussell.com/CD%20catalog/...t%202.html
30 min.
Charles Winans vs. Krassner and Rolling Stone. CIA-Louise James, Mind Control of primary witness. Memory Erased of Activist. MP3 Audio
30 min.
Charles Winans vs. Krassner and Rolling Stone. CIA-Louise James, Mind Control of primary witness. Memory Erased of Activist. MP3 Audio
Immediately preceding that broadcast, Mae discussed her theory of an international narcotics smuggling network (she calls it the Ajax File) which had long been operating through Interpol. She goes into the history of that "international police" agency beginning in 1924 when Hitler was first being groomed to take over in Germany after WWII for a fascist network of drug smugglers; then traces the history up to the collapse of Germany in 1945 and the transfer of Interpol to France in 1946. She says the SDECE was French counter-intelligence organization working with Interpol, which had no financing because it was a cooperative network of European countries designed to fight communism, i.e. my interpretation: anyone deemed an enemy of the banking cartels then in control of international trade payment mechanisms.
Since Interpol had no authorized funding, it was required to finance itself and had free reign, since its headquarters moved to France, to fund itself through narcotics being funneled from the French colonies in Indo-China through the ports in Marseilles. She indicates that Paul Helliwell during his days in OSS was seconded to this unit to observe how things operated in Post-war Interpol and SDECE. He set up a similar operation later in the CIA, especially once the French left Vietnam in 1954 and the U.S. took over the funding. It was in 1954 that the U.S. officially joined Interpol and continued funding it to finance whatever it was that Interpol was trying to accomplish. Mae says it was not designed to prosecute and remove international narcotics dealers because it never did so.
I will try to upload the MP3 tape #316 to the section of the Forum where these are stored.
30 min.
OUI, Mae Brussell, New West, INTERPOL, Ajax File, French Connection, Narcotics, CIA, Drug Traffic, Police, International Police Collusion.
"History records that the Money Changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and its issuance." --James Madison