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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver
At this point we can't be sure the photos are real any more than those from Dallas. But, if I had any lingering doubts this was a black op...the package to his shrink/professor with the whole scenario spelled out ended that....his name is Lee Harvey Holmes!:darthvader: The after the fact find of the package [to further implicate him] reminds me of the Anthrax attacks after 911 to put another nail in the coffin of our liberties.....going, going,........

And I did a lot of work today with the photos with the two different noses [i.e the photo has been altered]. Best I can figure it is the same person and same face, but someone has changed the nose....go figure...they did that often with LHO...why they'd do it with Holmes I can't imagine and yet I can....:flypig:

There are many DIFFERENT versions about the is one....FWIW [I think the whole move was a post facto event by the perpetrators, not Holmes]
AURORA, Colorado Alleged Colorado shooter James Holmes reportedly sent a warning package to a psychiatrist at his former university more than a week before massacring people at a cinema.

The parcel appeared to have arrived at the University of Colorado on July 12 but sat opened until after the July 20 massacre, one unnamed law enforcement source told Fox News.

The package contained a notebook full of details about his plans and several drawings, including some of gun-wielding stick figures shooting other stick figures, the report said.

"There were drawings of what he was going to do in it drawings and illustrations of the massacre," the law enforcement source told Fox News.

Holmes, 24, is accused of shooting 12 people dead and wounding 58 more at a cinema on Friday in Aurora, outside Denver, as young moviegoers packed the first midnight screening of the latest Batman film, "The Dark Knight Rises."

It is not clear why the package was never delivered to the psychiatrist, a professor at the university where Holmes once studied for a PhD, nor whether it actually arrived in time to potentially prevent the massacre.

A second law enforcement source quoted by said they were unable to confirm that the package had arrived before the killings occurred.

The spiral-bound notebook was discovered on Monday after the psychiatrist received a package he feared had come from Holmes and police searched the mailroom for suspicious packages.

The gunman emerged from a fire exit on Friday shortly after the film began and threw two canisters of noxious gas into the auditorium.

After firing one round directly into the air with a pump-action shotgun, he began shooting people at random with a military-style assault rifle capable of dispatching 50 to 60 rounds a minute, witnesses said.

The first funeral of a victim of the massacre took place on Wednesday. Gordon Cowden, 51, was the oldest person killed in the rampage. He had gone to the movie with his teenage children, who escaped unharmed.

Authorities say Holmes had painted his hair reddish orange and claimed he was the Joker, Batman's sworn enemy in the comic book series that inspired director Christopher Nolan's film trilogy, which features British-born actor Christian Bale as "the caped crusader".

According to reports and at least one witness, Holmes might have killed more people had his assault rifle not jammed.

The suspect gave himself up outside the cinema, still clad in the body armor [at odds with other police statements!!!!] witnesses described the gunman wearing.

Police said Sunday they had found Holmes's computer inside his booby-trapped apartment rigged to kill anyone who entered which could provide crucial details about how he planned and executed the attack.

He is being held in solitary confinement in the Arapahoe County Detention Center and could face the death penalty if convicted.

A report in the New York Daily News, meanwhile, made the claim that Holmes had asked a stunned jail worker to tell him how the movie ends.

"Like he had no idea why there was anything wrong with what he was saying. It was sick… I think he's trying real hard to act crazy," a witness to the incident was quoted as saying.

His eyes glazed and his voice flat, Holmes reportedly asked a jail worker
"Did you see the movie?" and then "How does it end?"

He repeated the question when the worker ignored him.

His hair dyed orange, eyes staring out blankly, Holmes made a bizarre first appearance in court Monday.

Wearing a maroon prison jumpsuit, the graduate school dropout didn't speak as lawyers read out a list of accusations during the short procedural hearing at Arapahoe County District Court in the town of Centennial.

Holmes, a former PhD candidate in neuroscience, appeared unable to follow proceedings as his head bobbed up and down and he alternated between staring out wild-eyed and closing his eyes shut as if in a daze.
He is being held in solitary confinement in the Arapahoe County Detention Center and could face the death penalty if convicted.
Another variant:
The Huffington Post reports that James Holmes, who killed twelve people and injured 58 in Colorado may have detailed his plans in a package sent to The University of Colorado, Denver.

The university received the package on Monday and turned it over to police. They claim the US Postal Service delivered the package to its medical campus and it was immediately investigated and sent to the authorities within hours.

Fox News adds that Holmes, a former neuroscience graduate student, sent a notebook that contained drawings of stick figures being shot and a written description of an upcoming attack. The package was sent to a psychiatrist at the school. It's unknown if Holmes had any prior contact with the psychiatrist. The neuroscience program he left on June 10 included professors of psychiatry.

NBC News added through unnamed sources that Holmes told police to look for the package and said it described killing people. The FBI and other law enforcement agencies would not confirm this to the Associated Press. U.S. Postal Service spokesman David Rupert said the agency's inspectors have no direct knowledge of hte package. He said no one contacted the USPS for help in the investigation.

Meanwhile Fox News said that Holmes sent the package and it sat unopened since July 12. The university has denied this claim. A spokeswoman wouldn't comment as she had a gag order issued by a judge in the case. Before the gag order, police said that Holmes received over 50 packages at the school and his home that had ammunition, combat gear and explosive materials that he used in the attack and to booby-trap his Aurora apartment.

The building was evacuated for days while police collected evidence and disabled the traps. Residents were allowed to move back in last night. Holmes defense team also visited the building but left without answering any questions. Holmes was said to be collecting materials for the attack while studying at the University. He bought a shotgun and pistol in May. On June 7, when he took the year-end oral exam, he also bought an assault rifle. He left the program three days later and did not give a reason.

He also filed an application on June 25 to join a private gun range in eastern Colorado, but after the club's owner heard a "bizarre" voice mail on his cell phone (recorded in a low voice with heavy breathing) told his staff to watch out for him. Holmes, who grew up in California, never went to the range.
Holmes continues to show no remorse for the cinema killings, workers from the Arapahoe Detention Center where he is being held have said.
Holmes, who is being held under suicide watch in solitary confinement, remained in his murderous "Joker" persona after his arrival, a jailhouse worker told the Daily News.
"He thinks he's acting in a movie," a prison employee told the Daily News.
"He's claiming his belly hurts him," the worker said. "He complained once that he didn't like the food . . . The guy killed 12 people, and he's upset that he's not getting a four-star meal?"
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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver - by Peter Lemkin - 26-07-2012, 09:13 PM

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