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JFK and the Federal Reserve - A Historical Perspective
I had just written an email to a new friend and wanted to give them the URL to my post "Louis T. McFadden, the Privately Owned Federal Reserve Bank System and the JFK Assassinatriion," so that they could read it (and maybe join the DFF Forum, too). Of course, it was GONE! My post was intended to be more historically slanted than merely Kennedy's relationahip and opinions and efforts regarding the Federal Reserve System of privately owned central banking of and since 1913.

Those who are from the days of Rich DellaRosa's forum should remember that I was a poster there who saw links to Wall Street and the Federal Reserve Sysem, along with the Industrial-Military-Intelligence Complex, in the assassination of John Kennedy and the attempted overthrow of President Roosevelt. These are not isolated incidents, and they led me to explore events in the prior history of the United States, to even before this became the United States. Unfortunately, I am but one person with limited access to information, like most of the rest of us. I do not think one can really understand the Kennedy assassination (nor the assassinations of his brother, and of his son, and of Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X...) without examining the history of capitalism, central banking, international economics, sociology (sociologists like Dr. Donald Gibson and Dr. Jerry Rose come to mind), political science, and the principles of democracy versus totalitarianism, and more.

However, as a scientist and educator, and a witness to information seven monhs before the Kennedy assassination occurred, I feel I have that responsibility to share what I have come to know and understand with those who are younger and smarter than I am so that they will know about the kind of country and world in which they now live, their heritage from history. Perhaps they will then be able to build a true political and economic democracy in the future here, and in the rest of the world...

The Past is always Prologue, isn't it?


Messages In This Thread
JFK and the Federal Reserve - A Historical Perspective - by Adele Edisen - 26-07-2012, 09:58 PM

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