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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver



by Jon Rappoport

July 26, 2012

Citizen journalists are outdistancing everybody on the Batman murders. I'm not even sure I have their names matched up correctly to their reports, so for now I'm not publishing the names, but I'll give you the links to their videos and commentary.

Here's what I'm inferring from their work. First, the heavy blood trail outside the Aurora theater, in the back parking lot, has been wrongly attributed to a neck wound suffered by one of the victims, Allie Young. When viewed in the hospital, her scar doesn't look serious enough to account for a massive blood loss, and the wound isn't even dressed. Why would anyone lie about this?

Because the blood in the parking lot may have come from a girl who was killed or abducted by one of the killers.

Knowingly or unknowingly, Obama contributed to the cover story about Allie Young in his incorrect description of her ordeal and wound.

There was a second gas mask found lying outside the theater at the back of the building. This would not have been Holmes' mask. It would have belonged to a second killer.

I'm not saying the meaning of these clues I've just listed is airtight and absolutely final. I'm saying they send the case in entirely new directions.

They definitely add fuel to the conclusion that Aurora Police Chief, Daniel Oates was wrong when he issued the familiar mantra that Homes acted alone. On what basis could Oates have made that claim? Was he intentionally lying? Was he trying to save his reputation, and hiding the fact that at least one other killer was running loose, uncaptured by his men? Oates, an old New York street cop, had risen through the ranks and, as Aurora police chief, presided over a 30% reduction in the crime rateuntil the Batman murders.

These cluesthe blood trail, the neck wound, the second gas maskany police investigator should have run with them. The absence of a serious probe indicates we are looking at a cover-up.

Here are the links to the work of the citizen journalists. That's what I call them because I don't have a better label. They are breaking new ground on the case, and they deserve your praise and support:

We still have the matter of how James Holmes gained entrance to the theater. There is the side door, the fire exit. Did he kick it in from the outside, as KUSA-TV reported? Did he, as Bloomberg claims the police say, buy a ticket, watch the movie, stand, as if he was taking a phone call, and walk out, propping open the side exit as he left, to return later with armor and weapons?

Or, as eyewitness Corbin Dates told CNN, did "someone" in the theater take a phone call, disappear in the direction of the side exit, after which (15-20 minutes? an hour?) the shooter, in full gear, came into the theater from that direction?

The first descriptionkicking in the exit dooris highly unlikely, since exit doors generally open out from the inside, are heavy, and are locked from the outside.

If Holmes propped open the side door, left, and came back later, other customers in the theater and theater employees might have seen light coming in from the outside. Did they? Someone also might have walked over and shut the door.

All this needs to be nailed down.

Then we have the packages (2) in the mailroom of the U. of Colorado, Anschutz campus. Press reports indicate a professor of psychiatry at the school called police because there was a package (with no indication of the sender) in the mailroom, addressed to him. The professor suspected it might have been sent by Holmes. This turned out to be wrong. That package had no bearing on the case. But in a search of the mailroom, ANOTHER package was found, which had been sent by Holmes to the professor. It had been sitting there as long as a week before its discovery on July 23rd. It contained a notebook, and the notebook contained Holmes' descriptions of how he was going to kill people.

This one is hard to believe. The professor believes one package was sent by Holmes. Why? BUT the police happen to find another package that was. Was it planted (and forged) to build a stronger case against Holmes?

I have new information about the availability of Holmes' medical records. This would pertain to a criminal trial. It is likely Holmes' lawyer could subpoena any medical/psychiatric records, in order to establish the state of mind of her client, and these records of course would include what drugs were prescribed. Once that is known, a case could be mounted based on the drugs' propensity to cause violent behavior, including homicide. The prosecution could also subpoena these records if Holmes entered an insanity plea.

My guess is that Torrence Brown's lawsuit against Holmes' doctors would come after a criminal trial (if there is one), at which time the medical/psychiatric records would have already been unsealed and would be available.

Remember, there is still no known witness-ID of Holmes in the theater. There is only the police claim that they found him, calm and confessing, next to his car, after the shootingor by other accounts, inside his car.

I've seen raw cell phone video footage of people outside the theater on the night of the shooting, but no footage from inside the theater. Someone inside had to be recording a piece of what was going on. We have to ask ourselves: where is that footage? Has it been confiscated?

Here are relevant links to the theater exit door and the mailed packages:

On we go…

Jon Rappoport

The author of an explosive new collection, THE MATRIX REVEALED, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.
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Messages In This Thread
Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver - by Peter Lemkin - 27-07-2012, 02:21 PM

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