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SDECE and Interpol
Linda Minor Wrote:I recently bought a complete set of Audio and Video DVD's of Mae Brussell radio and TV broadcasts. I zeroed in on one numbered #316, which was the broadcast before Mae announced that she was scheduled as a witness in the trial brought by a Texan named Charles Winans as plaintiff (Melvin Belli of California was his attorney) against Rolling Stone and Paul Krassner, author of an article stating that Winans had coordinated an attack using Charles Denton "Tex" Watson to manipulate or set up Charles Manson and his girls to kill Sharon Tate and others, operating under Naval Intelligence.

That tape (#317) is available in MP3 at this link.
30 min.
Charles Winans vs. Krassner and Rolling Stone. CIA-Louise James, Mind Control of primary witness. Memory Erased of Activist. MP3 Audio

With typical genorosity, Linda has allowed me listen to tape #317.

Mae Brussell's friend and fellow activist, Louise James, had seen very interesting comings and goings from the place where Winans was staying, including military vehicles.

Louise James also claimed to recognize certain members of the Manson Family when they were finally caught and paraded in the national media, because she'd seen them earlier at Winans' gaffe.

The evidence is circumstantial but intriguing.

My own speculative interpretation of a mass of information is that Charles Manson and Charles "Tex" Watson were almost certainly controlled, but may have been the products of different programmes.

Manson was allegedly a "clear" - from his endless years in prison - in L Ron Hubbard's orginal Church of Scientology. L Ron's "church" had several offshoots, some of which were (im)plausibly deniable - such as the Process Church of Final Judgement.

Weasly lil' Charlie Manson was - rather bizarrely - transformed into a charismatic leader, preaching an apocalyptic war against... um... well, sometimes the "piggies"....

In truth, though, Helter Skelter was a truly ridiculous and garbled manifesto. It was an attempt to incite "race war" by blaming the Tate/LaBianca murders on militant black groups such as the Black Panthers. As a piece of visionary prophecy, Manson's Helter Skelter is worse than some of L Ron's science fiction tomes....

But but but... it's important to note that the best evidence - as presented in court - is that Manson was not himself a killer. He did not kill. (Although there are suggestions that he committed murders for which he has not been prosecuted.)

On the other hand, Charles "Tex" Watson was most definitely a killer. He delighted in killing, and in bullying or scaring others into killing (read the accounts of what actually went down at the known murder scenes).

Watson stabbed the bound Sharon Tate and her unborn baby until they breathed no more.

Watson used a knife to carve the word "war" into Leno Labianca's stomach.

If a core part of the deep black Manson Family anthropological experiment was to create assassins who would kill on order (probably through narco-hypno triggers), then Prime Exhibit Number One is Charles "Tex" Watson.

If this is correct, then Tex Watson was probably selected for programming in part because of his pre-existing violent tendencies and his naturally high hypnotizability (there is a scale).

However, years of research has convinced me that "programmed" assassins cannot be totally controlled by those who create them: it is a flawed, bogus, "science".

Lt Commander Narut spilled the beans on a real deep black assassination programme when it was in full swing.

But zombie killers behave like zombies.

Once despatched on his murderous missions, Watson was completely out of control.

Whereas Manson wrote about using "LSD" to "control" his family:

I quoted Adam Gorightly on John Judge's investigations here:

Quote:Through his lectures, written material and personal correspondence, I have pieced together John Judge's version of the Manson Family Conspiracy, extrapolated from the seeds of Mae Brussell's seminal research. Part of Judge's argument stems from a conversation Charles Manson had with Tim Leary in Folsom Prison - when the two were located in cells next to each other - and Manson asked Leary why he did not "use acid to control people?" To Judge, Charlie's question revealed a basic contradiction, because LSD - in his opinion - was a drug that would be useless as a control agent of any sort, except to create a state of confusion. For anyone who's experimented to any degree with LSD, it quickly becomes evident that - as an agent to control minds - it's a highly unpredictable compound.


It is Judge's opinion - along with that of the late Mae Brussell - that the type of "acid" the Mansonoids were using was a military version, unlike the stuff found on the streets, and though it was called "acid" was actually different from LSD-25. Judge believes that the MK-ULTRA version of "acid" was a psilocybin derivative called EA1729 that was used at Wright Patterson Air Force Base as part of MK-ULTRA experiments. According to Judge, this is the same "acid" that a buddy of David Berkowitz's named Terry Patterson - who served with him in Korea - claimed Berkowitz was given by the "brass" while in the Army, when he was placed in a special program reportedly for "profiled" candidates, after he asked for conscientious objector status. Mae Brussell was convinced that Berkowitz was another in a long list of MK-ULTRA patsies, and more correctly referred to him as "Son of Uncle Sam".


It has also been documented that Tex Watson tripped out on a belladonna concoction - Telache - a short time before the Tate-LaBianca murders, and was never "quite the same". Belladonna has a long history in the annals of espionage, another of the slew of chemical compounds used under the auspices of MK-ULTRA during the 50s. The derivative of belladonna that was used in these experiments was Atropine, a natural extract of the plant.

We inhabit a human laboratory.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
SDECE and Interpol - by Linda Minor - 31-03-2009, 04:04 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by David Guyatt - 31-03-2009, 04:47 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by Linda Minor - 31-03-2009, 05:28 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by Linda Minor - 31-03-2009, 05:42 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by Linda Minor - 31-03-2009, 06:02 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by David Guyatt - 31-03-2009, 06:33 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by Jan Klimkowski - 31-03-2009, 08:20 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by David Guyatt - 31-03-2009, 09:41 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by Jan Klimkowski - 31-03-2009, 10:15 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by Jan Klimkowski - 31-03-2009, 10:17 PM
SDECE and Interpol - by Jan Klimkowski - 02-04-2009, 10:21 PM

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