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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver
Lauren Johnson Wrote:
Quote: While a neck injury could easily be pulsed - especially if cutting an artery

That would be the carotic artery which supplies flow to the brain. Sever one artery and you will not be conscious but for a few seconds. And by a few seconds, I mean with no activity.

If someone were shot in the leg and filled up a shoe with blood, then that could have caused the pulsed blood splash.

As far as I know there has been NO official explanation of many of the crime scene's stranger features - the blood 'path'; the gas mask at the far end of the building; the apparently drugged-out Holmes inside his car meekly; the reports of other persons involved; the height disparity; the phone call; how the door alarm didn't go off and how whoever it was got back in; security cameras; the spine board below the car and much parallels Dallas and many other false-flag ops - they simply immediately create a legend for the patsy and a scenario for the event and ignore all that is 'inconvenient' or questioned. There should be press-conferences clearing these things up - even if in fairness a few [only a few] can't be discussed so as not to prejudice the legal case. Some are just plain facts and officials and others are leaking ones [false or true?!] that they want. To me, this all add weight to the false nature of the official scenario [even as it changes over time].
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Messages In This Thread
Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver - by Peter Lemkin - 30-07-2012, 08:38 AM

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