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Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver

by Jon Rappoport

August 10, 2012

The University of Colorado has endured several scandals in the last 15 years. The use of sex to lure football recruits. Accusations of rape against players. Raising student tuition rates and then funneling the money into salary raises for top University officials. But all that is nothing compared to what the University could be facing now.

The University is circling the wagons, bracing for a legal attack. They have brought in a lawyer to represent their director of student medical services, psychiatrist Lynne Fenton, who may have been treating James Holmes before the Aurora theater shootings.

What did Fenton know about Holmes' state of mind and plans before the shootings? Did she properly report her concerns to the correct authorities (a key issue in the Penn State scandals)? A hearing has been set for August 16 to determine the exact nature of Fenton's professional relationship with Holmes.

Lawsuits from the families of those shot in the Aurora theater are waiting in the wings.

The University will argue that a) although Holmes may have presented signs of mental illness, b) there was no way to know he was going to launch violent murders on July 20.

All this maneuvering is taking place in an artificial world of presumed knowledge about Holmes' actual connection or non-connection to the murders.

At a court hearing on Thursday, Holmes' lawyers stated their client is mentally ill. This confirms speculation they will enter an insanity plea in the case. It also makes clear that the defense team has zero interest in reconstructing a narrative about events leading up to, and including, the shootings at the theater. They want Holmes' entire future to rest on a narrow judgment about his mental state.

Both the defense and the prosecution want the judge's gag order to stand, thereby making it impossible to learn anything new about what evidence the police and the FBI have collected in their investigation. If no full trial is ever held, that evidence will be locked away, and aside from choice leaks to the press, it will never see the light of day.

The exception could be public deliberation on the question of whether to allow Holmes' insanity plea. During that period, the prosecution could argue that Holmes was sane, and would offer proof to that effect. Even then, however, much evidence would be kept from viewespecially details that contradict the official narrative.

For example: who left a second gas mask at the back of the theater after the shootings? Was someone other than Holmes killing people inside the theater, as at least two witnesses suggest? Was Holmes a patsy who was actually arrested in his car, in a stupor, when the police discovered him? Did he really confess to the crimes? Did the copious amounts of blood outside the theater come from a neck wound sustained by a customer in the theater (even though a purported photo of the scar, taken in the hospital, suggested a superficial cut)? Or did the blood come from a professional shooter? Or from a girl who was abducted from the scene?

Leading up to the shootings, was Holmes treated with psychiatric drugs known to induce violent behavior? If so, this would be another reason the University of Colorado has enlisted an attorney to represent Lynne Fenton. The University wants to avoid any airing of this issue.

It would not only be a disaster for the University, drug companies could be named in lawsuits, and at trial mountains of damaging evidence about the drugs could surface.

It would be safe to assume major drug companies presently know exactly what drugs Holmes was given, if indeed he was yet one more psychiatric casualty. These companies are standing by with their own consultants and cutouts, to advise the University and Lynne Fenton. They are also using their considerable resources to discover what both the prosecution and the defense know about these matters, and what kind of case they intend to put forward.

If Holmes was actually a victim of MKULTRA-type programming, interested players behind the scenes, at this moment, would include black ops case handlers who want to make sure there is no exposure on that front.

For all these reasons, there is a good chance the Jared Loughner strategy will be employed: an insanity plea, followed by a period of incarceration, during which psychiatrists will go to work on Holmes and prepare him to "become competent," after which he will enter a guilty plea and find himself in lock-up, with no connections to the outside world, for decades.

At this moment, Lynne Fenton's lawyer is readying the strongest possible defense on her behalf: she acted responsibly; she informed authorities of her concerns about Holmes; she treated Holmes within approved guidelines; she never saw Holmes' infamous notebook until after the shootings.

However, Fenton may yet find herself thrown to the wolves, if a scapegoat is needed. The University may decide that attorneys for plaintiffs in an enormous lawsuit are going to discover fatal irregularities in her actions. The University could then reach out for a desperate strategy: she, Fenton, "acted alone," contravening the regulations of the University threat assessment team, without the team's knowledge or permission. It could get ugly.

Right now, she is one of the University's own. Their interests and hers are are identical. But strange things happen as cases proceed, and partners can become adversaries, as all parties try to cover themselves from liability.

The University of Colorado is a state institution, so the governor and his advisers are in the mix as well. A billion-dollar hit to the state treasury, from lawsuits, is not a welcome prospect.

This case, in that respect, has similarities to the Penn State scandal, which has not yet begun to unfold in civil court. Families of the children Sandusky molested, and families of people killed in the Aurora theater, want their day before judge and jury.

For other interested parties, trying to escape blame and exposure and judgment, a Holmes "suicide" would be a satisfactory ending. Don't discount the possibility.

Jon Rappoport
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Messages In This Thread
Another in the endless mass shootings in USA - this time Denver - by Peter Lemkin - 13-08-2012, 05:21 PM

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