16-08-2012, 04:09 AM
Seamus Coogan Wrote:Sheesh, I think all manner of arms dealing scum and multinational corporations and MI6 and the CIA should all leave. They are the ones responsible for this bollocks. Naive to think these two collective assholes and their corporate sponsors aren't. Will they leave I bloody doubt it. Not when our oils under their sand.
Certainly the arms dealers and multi-nationals and MI6 and CIA are scum, but I don't see them in Syria. I see Russians, Russian tanks, Russian jets, Russian guns, and the Free Syrian Army has, according to the Libyan revolutionaries with them, have nothing. If the CIA and MI6 were backing the FSA, where's the weapons?
The best thing that could happen to Syria is for Assad to leave power and let his people decide how to govern themselves, but power is a hard thing to give up, as Hitler, Gadhafi and Assad have shown us.