27-08-2012, 10:32 AM
As I am set to begin the Conclusion of Guido Preparata's Conjuring Hitler*, I reflect with a shudder on the revelation of Chamberlain and Churchill as the good cop/bad cop for England's manipulation of the Second World War.
*I pass on the recommendation of this book I received from Charles--it is a cataclysmic revelation.
On top of Montagu Norman's directorship of the Bank of England (1920-1944) comes the whirlwind finale to the big storm. Czechoslovakia and Poland are sacrificed, the U.S. invasion is delayed until 1944, UK ends are achieved at a cost of tens of millions of lives.
Looking at a film like The Package (1989) with Gene Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones wherein US-Soviet interests align in the attempted sniper hit on the two heads of state, any suggestion by Trento or our wonderful font of misinformation Frank Fiorini-Sturgis von Hunt that Brezhnev or KGB or Kostikov did in the 35th president is balderdash of the type pouring out of the Castle like the immortal Niagara.
The Cold War was a business model, fine.
But the Second World War was to make the world safe for England.
Now we have a War on Terror to keep heroin prices stable and lock in a DeBeers value for oil.
So, sure, let's just petition the Castle then.
I'm sure they only keep those parchments secreted in weeping stone vaults because they don't realize how much we really, really want to see them.
Eloi, enjoy the flowers and the sunlight. Do not seek to know what is transpiring in the dark engines tended by the Morlocks.
We will fight them on the beaches.
(What do you mean, we.)
*I pass on the recommendation of this book I received from Charles--it is a cataclysmic revelation.
On top of Montagu Norman's directorship of the Bank of England (1920-1944) comes the whirlwind finale to the big storm. Czechoslovakia and Poland are sacrificed, the U.S. invasion is delayed until 1944, UK ends are achieved at a cost of tens of millions of lives.
Looking at a film like The Package (1989) with Gene Hackman and Tommy Lee Jones wherein US-Soviet interests align in the attempted sniper hit on the two heads of state, any suggestion by Trento or our wonderful font of misinformation Frank Fiorini-Sturgis von Hunt that Brezhnev or KGB or Kostikov did in the 35th president is balderdash of the type pouring out of the Castle like the immortal Niagara.
The Cold War was a business model, fine.
But the Second World War was to make the world safe for England.
Now we have a War on Terror to keep heroin prices stable and lock in a DeBeers value for oil.
So, sure, let's just petition the Castle then.
I'm sure they only keep those parchments secreted in weeping stone vaults because they don't realize how much we really, really want to see them.
Eloi, enjoy the flowers and the sunlight. Do not seek to know what is transpiring in the dark engines tended by the Morlocks.
We will fight them on the beaches.
(What do you mean, we.)