09-09-2012, 10:39 PM
According to reports from the field, Assad's army has adopted a policy of terror against civilians by attacking entire neighborhoods rather than targeting the Free Syrian Army, including the sniper attacks on children in an attempt to build psychological resentment against the revolution. Rather than give up power and allow the Syrian people to decide their own future, as the UN peace treaty would have allowed, he would oversee the complete destruction of his country -with nearly 30,000 killed so far.
The psychological craving for power has previously been exhibited by Gadhafi and other dictators who have experienced what it is like to maintain complete control over a country.
Any remaining support for Assad must be eroded by the desire to end the bloodshed and begin a new era, whatever that may be.
It may be unlikely that Syria will emerge as one country with the same borders, as the Kurds in Syria are much like the Berbers of Libya, a tribal nation whose ethnic group extends through more than one country.
The Kurds control territory in large parts of remote Turnkey, Syria and Iran, and could use the turmoil in Syria to form their own independent nation.
In Libya, the Berbers/Amazingh, lived in North Africa for centuries before the Arabs arrived in the 7th century. They lived side by side with Jews, who were also in Tripoli before the Arabs conquered the region and imposed Islamic law.
While Assad was a secularist, who allowed Christians to practice their religion in the old Syria, Gadhafi suppressed the Amazingh, who were supported with covert arms deliveries by the French and were the first to break out and liberate the coastal towns, including Tripoli. Libyan Jews fought with them, but since the success of the revolution their, Jews were prevented from restoring the Tripoli synagogue and the Amazinghs were not included among the first National Transitional Council even though they were the most prolific force in the revolution and captured and didn't kill Saif Gadhafi.
Like the Kurds in Syira, the Amazinghs could form a new country in the lands they control in Libya, Morocco and Algeria. They appear to have a civil society that is older, more civil and open than the Arabs, whose mentality they question.
Revolutionary Program: Amazingh Martyrs vs. Arab Mentality
The psychological craving for power has previously been exhibited by Gadhafi and other dictators who have experienced what it is like to maintain complete control over a country.
Any remaining support for Assad must be eroded by the desire to end the bloodshed and begin a new era, whatever that may be.
It may be unlikely that Syria will emerge as one country with the same borders, as the Kurds in Syria are much like the Berbers of Libya, a tribal nation whose ethnic group extends through more than one country.
The Kurds control territory in large parts of remote Turnkey, Syria and Iran, and could use the turmoil in Syria to form their own independent nation.
In Libya, the Berbers/Amazingh, lived in North Africa for centuries before the Arabs arrived in the 7th century. They lived side by side with Jews, who were also in Tripoli before the Arabs conquered the region and imposed Islamic law.
While Assad was a secularist, who allowed Christians to practice their religion in the old Syria, Gadhafi suppressed the Amazingh, who were supported with covert arms deliveries by the French and were the first to break out and liberate the coastal towns, including Tripoli. Libyan Jews fought with them, but since the success of the revolution their, Jews were prevented from restoring the Tripoli synagogue and the Amazinghs were not included among the first National Transitional Council even though they were the most prolific force in the revolution and captured and didn't kill Saif Gadhafi.
Like the Kurds in Syira, the Amazinghs could form a new country in the lands they control in Libya, Morocco and Algeria. They appear to have a civil society that is older, more civil and open than the Arabs, whose mentality they question.
Revolutionary Program: Amazingh Martyrs vs. Arab Mentality