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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11
What thoroughly aggravates me about your posts, Jeffrey, is that they too often include deep conclusions about deep politics from an observer who has yet to demonstrate a scintilla of depth or sophistication in that area of study.

Your insight that the deep state "seems to be rather shadowy" is the equivalent of a novice student of languages observing, "Those French ... they have a different word for everything!"

To paraphrase: Who do you expect to encounter in the wilderness? Men dressed in fine clothing?

In other words, your commentary on deep politics is no more or less accomplished than would be my commentaries on structural engineering or the laws of thermodynamics.

You are a novice, yet you assume the posture of a wise man.

You are committing the same offenses against which you lash out on these pages.

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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11 - by Charles Drago - 14-09-2012, 03:45 PM

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