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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11
When I purchased the used New Process transfer case and retrofitted it into my '57 Chevy, it had dropped a roll pin from a shifting fork so that the high-low failed to function. Replacement of the pin involved a long punch, a ball peen hammer, a second set of hands, all functioning through an access plate on the bench.

Tap tap. Bob's your uncle.

Jeffrey, you say:

Correct me if I am wrong but the model assumes that there was a CD...

By "the model" I presume you mean a sponsor/facilitator/mechanic model such as Charles sets out in the first post.

By "CD" I presume you mean a controlled demolition.

In my view, this is not at all assumed by any deep poltical model described by that first post and discussed in subsequent posts.

I know you've narrated a horror story of rash speculation, but that isn't here.

Set these tools on opposite sides of the table, the engineering diagnostics, and the investigation of the various roles.

Compare this discussion of a deep political model to the challenge of Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, They Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil.

In South America great resources beckoned but regimes had to be changed, indian tribes had to be pacified, Green Berets, CIA and diplomatic and financial leverage were used.

A role was played by professed innocent bible translators, namely intelligence, some humint, some aviation logistical assistance.

The whole does not leap off the page as an op, but the region was laid seige and laid waste--and it takes 900 pages to tell but a part of the skeletal outline.

The application of sponsor/facilitator/mechanic modeling to 911 seeks to identify if only by type the various roles.

The engineering modeling of the collapse is not any more important than the precise location and caliber of the guns of Dealey Arcade.

I would bet the ranch the thing itself is a Russian doll, a Faberge egg, a Rubik cube or any delicious metaphor one might name.

It is not the application of particle beam Flash Gordonry nor videographic projection of aircraft on building faces.

From One World Trade Center to the top of the heroin heap is but one piece of paper from one filing cabinet reduced to dusty rubble from sunrise to sunset on a day eleven years ago.

Even now the Arab Spring takes its place on this mangled mandala.

Everyone involved thinks he's the big cheesehead.

And Hitler never blamed the Bank of England and the clubs and the wonks.

How many divisions did Monatagu Norman have.

John O'Neill died for the sins of this op.

(Put a sock in it, John--the show must go on.)

Kathleen Rowley was not heeded--and Mueller kicked her again under the table--and DBA OBAMA reupped Bob Mueller for an additional two years.

Oh no, I don't for a minute insist on a "controlled demolition"--I insist on the intent that the show must go on.

I don't for a moment pretend to know the sponsor, but that is all by way of the sponsor's business model.

The suckers never get to look inside--not for free--not and walk away.

It's business. It's not personal.

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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11 - by Phil Dragoo - 15-09-2012, 08:45 AM

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