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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11
On page 68 of The Kennedy Tapes, Tuesday, October 16, 1962, Meeting on the Cuban Missile Crisis, Robert Kennedy caps a discussion involving Taylor, Ball, Alexis Johnson, Bundy (McGeorge), and President Kennedy:

Robert Kennedy: Well, I want to say, can I say that one other thing is whether we should also think of whether there is some other way we can get involved in this, through Guantanamo Bay or something. Or whether there's some ship that. . .you know, sink the Maine again or something.

It is still debated whether FDR knew of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor through decoded message traffic, whether he concocted the attack by baiting the harbor, all towards involving an isolationist public.

Is it arguable the Reichstag was burned by Nazis, blaming Communists, to attain the enabling act affording martial power without the complication of legislation.


911 as a manufactured casus belli, a pretext, a provocation engineered by this government or by a significant power base sufficiently permeating this government to mount the forces to replace the secular Saddam Hussein with the Islamist structure more desirable to Iran, to Saudi, or to a prescribed change or appearance of change in the business model.

The towers as the most symbolic toggles for the twin wars, the latter for heroin and to waste a decade in the wasteland as did other armies in other eras.

If the very FBI counterterrorism chief installed to prevent such an attack is himself prevented from his duty, the demolition was assured.

If the agent warning of the flight lessons given to some of the nineteen was stonewalled a la Bolden, buried a la Milteer, suppressed a la Chicago's all taken care of, why, it's the mosquito's anesthetic before the blood-sucking begins.

Can Hillary have been ignorant of Muslim impalement of homosexuals that she would send one as an Ambassador only to have him murdered and sodomized in the street. With Huma wired into the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood via her own mother, with such an outpouring of Muslim outreach, such a blunder.

The Spring is trapping the third war.

Will it be to raise the price of oil.

Sheik, rattle, let's roll.

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The Sponsor/Facilitator/Mechanic Model Applied to 9/11 - by Phil Dragoo - 17-09-2012, 09:56 AM

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