08-04-2009, 05:26 PM
Peter Lemkin Wrote:...
The administration of the site likely has an agenda well defined [keep it in the Democratic party boundarylines], but for many of the supporters it is likely see no evil; hear no evil; speak no evil - as in the three monkeys. Plus, the Emperor's New Clothes syndrome. See if telling about the Emperor's Clothes goes to the 911 dungeon. This is the main problem in American and to a lesser extent other 'de-veloped' countries.......among the yuppie class especially - Myra don'tyaknow ya can't talk about Oswald not being the assassin or the WTC being brought down on purpose by other than 19 meccamaniacs with botox in your face, a Starbucks by your laptop, and all the latest clothes on - not to mention the fab new car sitting outside. Anyway, all 'those' 'conspiracies' are such a 'downer' and don't match the smileyface buttons, sweatshirts and groupthink self-hypnosis. :proud: :aetsch:
Great answer Peter.