22-09-2012, 11:39 PM
Adele Edisen Wrote:Wed, September 19, 2012 11:07:45 AM
Carving up the Middle East
From: Brasscheck TV <news@brasschecktv.com>
The US isn't the only
country involved in
destabilizing the
Middle East.
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The USA is not trying to destablixe the Middle East, that was done by dictators who refuse to give up their power. Those behind the USA policy in the Middle East- bankers and oil companies, do not and did not want unrest in the area, which is why the CIA and USA did not instigate the Arab revolutions in the region.
As for Syria, Assad would rather destroy his country than give up his power, and so the Kurds will probably try to for a Kurdish state in the areas they control along the Turkish border.
And if you believe the propaganda, USA and Germany will divide up the rest.