23-09-2012, 09:32 PM
Any meltwater or runoff or rain which falls decreases the pH, of the oceans. Rain can start at pH 7, to be pH 5.5 or worse, when it splashes down, due to passing through CO2, SO2, and NO2. CO2 is now about 400 ppm, headed for over 1000 ppm, in the biggest hurry, ever.
Veron 2008, available at skepticalscience.com shows, how a rapid rise in CO2 caused each of five previous mass extinction events, bollide impacts notwithstanding.
Our Mass Extinction Event 6 will feature the fastest onset, and likely the fastest cleanout, of species and families, starting with all desirable ocean species.
A turning point will arrive, where acidification threatens eggs, little fish, corals, oysters, and plankton, to put a couple of really bad food web failures, together, which with over-fishing will allow jellyfish, to flourish, suddenly, which will doom a lot of species and families.
When SLR translates to enough heavy lunar tides, to trigger seismic and volcanic events, land species will notice humans failed, to re-green OR develop cyclic CO2 biomass, or to minimize the carbon footprint, of war and corruption.
Got a drug war, so hemp is a Schedule I CS, but crack, smack, crank, and George Zimmerman's Adderall are all Schedule II Controlled Substances?
Hey now! We suffer corruption AND a carbon footprint, of this. Budget problems related to all this war on people and Earth, called war on drugs are also off the hook. 25,000 market-leading products from hemp are denied, elaborately.
We also need pongamia trees, switchgrass, ultrasound ethanol processing, and ALGAE, particularly as closed-system tanks, fed by nearby CO2 capture devices, at all power plants. Methanol from H2 and CO2 can be produced, to be blended, near to any coal or gas plant.
Veron 2008, available at skepticalscience.com shows, how a rapid rise in CO2 caused each of five previous mass extinction events, bollide impacts notwithstanding.
Our Mass Extinction Event 6 will feature the fastest onset, and likely the fastest cleanout, of species and families, starting with all desirable ocean species.
A turning point will arrive, where acidification threatens eggs, little fish, corals, oysters, and plankton, to put a couple of really bad food web failures, together, which with over-fishing will allow jellyfish, to flourish, suddenly, which will doom a lot of species and families.
When SLR translates to enough heavy lunar tides, to trigger seismic and volcanic events, land species will notice humans failed, to re-green OR develop cyclic CO2 biomass, or to minimize the carbon footprint, of war and corruption.
Got a drug war, so hemp is a Schedule I CS, but crack, smack, crank, and George Zimmerman's Adderall are all Schedule II Controlled Substances?
Hey now! We suffer corruption AND a carbon footprint, of this. Budget problems related to all this war on people and Earth, called war on drugs are also off the hook. 25,000 market-leading products from hemp are denied, elaborately.
We also need pongamia trees, switchgrass, ultrasound ethanol processing, and ALGAE, particularly as closed-system tanks, fed by nearby CO2 capture devices, at all power plants. Methanol from H2 and CO2 can be produced, to be blended, near to any coal or gas plant.