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MP George Galloway on 9/11 - Calls for a new inquiry


The reader who has heard the predictions of collapse and seen the dramatic catastrophic collapse has not been shown any unique structure to WTC7.

What you describe is a bridge, a power plant, a diesel reservoir, all encased in the typical glass and steel facade, all extraneous to the planes' impacts yet itself imploding.

Is there any exhibit on the page titled Accurate Collapse History of WTC7 which can serve to illustrate what is certainly unique in architecture and engineering failure.

I find the opacity of the official explanation for this building to replicate that for the other towers, the Pentagon, the fate of Flight 93.

I regard the whole as a false-flag casus belli which may have used unwitting extremists as players in a larger construct.

Setting out my own prejudice, it is still a mystery that WTC7 can have been the oddest of structures, the bridge-powerplant-fuel dump hybrid burning due to some electric-related surge, fatally damaging critical structures as all emergency measures were directed at towers one and two.

I'll say the one thing lacking in the dramatic data is a drawing, photo, or wire diagram of the structure of the building, a visual representation of this collapsing span.

Messages In This Thread
MP George Galloway on 9/11 - Calls for a new inquiry - by Phil Dragoo - 01-10-2012, 09:17 AM

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