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911 Meta Analysis
May-29-2012 09:00
911 as an inside job now beyond doubt (UPDATED June 7, 2012)
by Daniel Johnson, Deputy Executive Editor

911: It either knowingly happened at the level of the White House, or the highest levels of the government were wilfully blind.

(Calgary, Alberta) - Is the future of America worth a few hours of your time? I'm sure you would be willing to spend a day or half a day at a seminar to improve your job performance or your job prospects. Will you give your country as much?

The 911Truth movement is not receiving much respect or acknowledgement from the mainstream media. I will present evidence here, that you've probably never encountered before, as you took in and uncritically accepted the official government story. If you will invest a few hours and watch the internet videos at the end of this piece, you can decide for yourself.

Over the last week or so, I have watched several documentaries produced by different people and have come away completely shocked. The evidence suggesting some sort of official complicity is overwhelming.


After a week of informative comments, I have come to a further conclusion which I have placed at the end, just before the comments.)

What the so-called 911Truth movement is challenging

Was Abraham Lincoln right? "You can fool some of the people all of the time. You can fool all of the people some of the time. But you can't fool all of the people all of the time."

In the case of 911, no matter what doubts people might harbour privately, the vast majority of Americans still believe in the integrity of the federal government. It's a bedrock belief that, once cracks begin to appear, threatens American culture itself. From that point of view, the 911Truthers are legitimately unpatriotic. That can't be helped.

Ronald Reagan once suggested that the most nine most feared words in the English language were: "I'm from the government and I'm here to help." With 911, those words take on a new and ominous meaning.

Has your government lied to you about 911?

One question to resolve is: Has your government ever lied to you and, as a result, your fellow citizens have innocently died?

The answer to that is an unequivocal yes. Two particularly egregious examples are, one, the fictitious Gulf of Tonkin incident of August 4, 1964 which resulted in the passage by Congress of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave President Johnson the authority to assist any Southeast Asian country whose government was considered to be jeopardized by "communist aggression". The resolution served as Johnson's legal justification for deploying U.S. conventional forces and the commencement of open warfare against North Vietnam. That war resulted in 58,000 American casualties.

The second example was the invasion of Iraq in 1991 in response to Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait. The American people, at the time, was split as to whether the U.S. should invade until a young woman, claiming to be a nurse who had worked at the Kuwait City Hospital, testified to atrocities conducted by Iraqi soldiers that they took babies out of incubators and threw them onto the cement floors to die. She saw this with her own eyes. This kind of emotional testimony increased the public's support for a land war in Iraq, and the invasion was on.

But, a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) investigative team learned that the young woman was, in fact, a member of the Kuwaiti royal family and the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the U.S. She had been trained in acting by the multinational PR firm Hill and Knowlton which was part of a joint White House/Kuwaiti operation. After finding no evidence to support those alleged atrocities, Amnesty International issued a retraction. That didn't stop President George H. W. Bush from continuing to repeat the incubator allegations on television.

Building 7

I'll begin with a little quiz. Have you ever heard of Building 7? It was part of the WTC complex and it collapsed at free fall speed at 520pm on 911. It was a 47 story building and had not been hit by a plane. There were minor fires on fewer than a half dozen floors. If you had read the official 911 Commission report, you'd still be in the dark because the Commission said nothing, nada, zip, zero about Building 7. That tells you how comprehensive a job the Commission did. (LOL)

Next ask your friends and acquaintances if they know anything about Building 7. You may be unpleasantly surprised at the lack of public knowledge.

Another interesting thing about Building 7 is that both CNN and the BBC reported that it had collapsed, a full half hour before it actually came down. In fact, when the BBC reporter was reporting its collapse, Building 7 could be seen still standing behind her!

The 911 Commission's report dealt with Building 7 by completely ignoring it.

There was comparatively minor damage to Building 7 from the collapse of the two towers. The damage to the other buildings, 3, 4, 5 and 6 was immeasurably greater, yet they all remained standing. Building 7 came down in 6.5 secondsa rate of about 7 floors per second.

Who paid for 911?

A modern mantra, apparently originating in the Woodward/Bernstein investigation of Watergate, is: "Follow the money." In the case of 911, the money was not followed.

General Mahmoud Ahmed, director of Pakistan's ISI, instructed Ahmad Umar Sayed Sheikh to wire $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, the lead hijacker. No inquiry was ever made into why the ISI ordered that money sent. The 911 Commission concluded in their report that the financing of the attacks was "of little practical significance".

President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney were both asked to appear at the Commission. Inexplicably, they decided to appear together and set their own rules. They were not under oath; WTC family members, the public and the press were denied attendance, no recording of any kind was allowed and the Commission notes from the three hour appearance were subject to White House censorship.

At a news conference President Bush was asked, "Don't you think the families deserve to have a transcript or to be able to see…" He was interrupted by Bush who said: "You asked the same question yesterday and you'll get the same answer." In other words, no answer.

Suspicious? You decide.

The Twin Towers

Frank A. DeMartini, Manager, WTC Construction and Project Management said:

"This [tower] was designed to have a fully loaded 707 crash into it. That was the largest plane at the time [the late 1960s]. I believe that the building probably could sustain multiple impacts of jet liners because this structure is like the mosquito netting on your screen door. This intense grid and the jet plane is just a pencil puncturing that netting and it really does nothing to the screen netting."

In order for the towers to collapse, 47 steel columns at the core, 236 exterior columns, and thousands of steel trusses, all had to fail at the same time. Never in the history of construction, has a steel building ever collapsed due to fire.

The WTC towers and Building 7, in fact, were the only steel structure buildings in the history of construction to ever collapse.

Oct 17 2004, Caracas, Venezuela 26 floors of a 56 story building burned for 17 hours

May 1988 First Interstate Bank, Los Angeles, 73 stories tall, burned for 3.5 hours

September 9/11 WTC 5 burned for 6 hours

Feb 12 2005, Windsor Tower in Madrid, 29 floors burned for 24 hours

Feb 23, 1991 One Meridian Plaza, Philadelphia 38 floors, 8 floors burned for 18 hours

Feb 13, 1975 a fire broke out on the 11th floor of WTC1 and spread through an inner service core down to the ninth and up to the 14th floors burning for three hours

None of those buildings collapsed or even came close to collapsing

If the WTC towers collapsed as a result of "normal" events, several other mysteries must be explained:

A minute and 20 seconds before the collapse large amounts of white smoke began pouring from the base of the south tower

The collapse happened faster than by gravity itself

Firefighters and eye witnesses all reported explosions at various times

CNN and BBC reported that Building 7 had collapsed before it actually did and in the BBC case, the building could be seen behind the reporter as she spoke

Advance work?

Electronic security for WTC and Dulles Airport (also involved in 911) was supplied by a company called Securacom. Wirt D. Walker III, a Bush cousin, was the CEO and George W. Bush's younger brother Marvin P. was a principle of the company.

This introduces another unexplained aspect.

Scott Forbes was the senior database specialist for Fiduciary Trust in 2001. For nearly an entire weekend, there was a building power down.

"We were notified three weeks in advance of the power down by the Port Authority. It was relatively short notice to plan to shut down all of our banking systems. It was a big deal, it was unprecedented. We had a data center on the 97th floor. During that weekend of the power down meant that there was no security. The doors were all open basically. And all the security video cameras were all off. There were guys in overalls carrying huge tool boxes and reels of cables and walking around the building on that weekend." They were ostensibly upgrading the internet cables.

Forbes reported this unusual activity to the 911 Commission but was ignored.

Steel recovered from the site was shipped overseas, eliminating any possibility of independent investigation. All the trucks used to haul away from ground zero were equipped with GPS units so that everyone could be tracked. One driver took an extra long lunch hour and was subsequently fired.

Ray McGovern, a 27-year CIA veteran says "The 911 Commission was a cover up" leading to the obvious questionwhat were they covering up?

It's indisputable: 911 was certainly a conspiracy, but not of Al Queda. If you believe it happened as officially reported, then you owe it to yourself to address and investigate the incredible coincidences and contradictions.

When planes crash

When planes crash, the news coverage is dominated by images of the crash scene with debris scattered over large areas. In the case of the Pentagon, everything at the site disappeared. No seats, no luggage, no bodies. Even the two Rolls Royce, six-ton engines made of steel and titanium alloy, "disappeared."

Videos from more than 80 security cameras in the area were immediately confiscated by the FBI, and the Department of Justice has never released them. The fact that a 757 crashed into the Pentagon remains an unproven, article of faith. Afterward the entire area was covered with dirt and gravel, making any forensic study impossible.

All that was left of the Shanksville crash was a gouge in the earth and a bunch of broken trees.

At Shanksville, Somerset County Coroner Wally Miller said: "It looked like somebody just dropped a bunch of metal out of the sky." There was apparently a second debris site six to eight miles away. Both support the hypothesis that Flight 93 was actually shot down by a missile.

Osama Bin Laden: Guilty?

In a video allegedly found in Afghanistan Bin Laden admitted responsibility for the attack. But, says Arabist Dr. Abdel El M. Husseini: "I have carefully examined the Pentagon's translation. This translation is very problematic. At the most important places where it is held to prove the guilt of Bin Laden, it is not identical with the Arabic."

Gernot Rotter, Prof of Islamic and Arabic Studies at the Asia-Africa Institute at the University of Hamburg goes further: "The American translators who listened to the tapes and transcribed them apparently wrote a lot of things in that they wanted to hear but that cannot be heard on the tape no matter how many times you listen to it."

WTC anomalies

1. William Rodriguez, a twenty-year WTC employee and the last person to walk out of the building alive, reported later that seconds before the first plane hit, there was an explosion in the basement, between the B2 and B3 levels. Commenters on news reports said that there appeared to be more smoke coming from the basement than from the upper floors.

2. If an FAA controller has any suspicion that a plane has been hijacked, he immediately notifies his superior and if the issue cannot be resolved within about a minute, NORAD is to be alerted and fighters scrambled to find out what is going on. In past experiences, intercepts or their equivalent have been made within about ten minutes; on 911, 80 minutes went by before fighters were even airborne.

There were apparently "war games" going on at the same time and NORAD was dealing with as many as 22 different "hijacks" and were apparently unable to separate the war game exercises from the real hijacks.

The U.S. has the most powerful, costly and technically sophisticated military machine in the world. And yet…

The year before (2000) NORAD had 67 intercepts with 100% accuracy. On 911, they had four failures in one day.

Cynthia McKinney, member, House Armed Services Committee asks: "How is it that on four separate occasions on one day, a trillion dollar military and intelligence infrastructure could fail."

3. The free-fall rate of collapse of the WTC was about 10 floors per second. The building actually disintegrated. What hit the ground was steel and thousands of tons of gravel and fine dust. Building 7 came down at the rate of about six and a half floors per second.

4. For more than six weeks after 911, pools of molten metal hotter than 2OOO degrees F were found at WTC 1 and 2 and Building 7. That is 200 degrees hotter than jet fuel would burn under ideal conditions. None of this was addressed in the 911 report.

5. In 2005, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) released its 10,000 page report on WTC 1 and 2. The actual collapses themselves were not addressed in the report.

6. In 2008, the NIST report on Building 7 was released. They did not analyze a single piece of steel or examine a controlled demolition hypothesis. Instead, they built a computer model on the assumption of a "fire induced" collapse. The parameters used were not released, making it impossible for anyone else to do any kind of critical follow up.

The report admitted that there was a period of free-fall for 2.25 seconds (eight floors), but they gave no explanation of how this would be possible since their progressive collapse theory was based on systemic collisions and triggered failures.

7. There are links, friendships and business dealings between the Bush and bin Laden families that go back to at least the 1970s.

When George W. Bush started his first oil company, two of his financial backers were Osama Bin Laden and Bin Laden's brother in law.


Thomas von Essen, New York Fire Chief at the time, decided soon after 911 to gather as much anecdotal evidence as he could before memories faded or changed over time. He had 503 people interviewedfire fighters and EMT personnelall who had been on site that day. When completed, he had about 12 thousand pages.

When Graeme MacQueen, Founding director, Centre for Peace Studies, McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada learned about this material, he found that it had been largely ignored, so he decided to read it himself and draw his own conclusions.

Out of the 503 accounts he found ten who argued in support of the official storyabout two percent. Conversely, 118 people reported explosions in the towers before or as they came down. MacQueen concludes:

"Those who have suggested this was an inside job have a much stronger case than those who are trying to support the official narrative of the 19 hijackers."


Danish chemistry professor Niels Harritt conducted a study of 911 and concluded: "The evidence for controlled demolition is overwhelming."

David Ray Griffen, author of The New Pearl Harbor concluded that: "911 was a false flag operation intended to authorize the doctrines and funds for a new level of imperial mobilization."

Historian Webster Tarpley says: "The entire U.S. ruling class, ruling elite, comes to see terrorism as the preferred means, indeed the only means, to provide social cohesion, to provide an enemy image for the society, to keep it together. According to neocon theory from Karl Schmidt you have to have an enemy image in order to have a society. It's a very dangerous thing because now it means that the entire social order, the political parties, intellectual life, politics in general, [are] all based on a monstrous myth."

Ted Gunderson, former FBI chief of LA, Dallas and Memphis operations: "Anti-terror legislation…takes away many of our constitutional rights and civil liberties." Habeas corpus for Americans basically ended in 2006a legal right that had existed since the nation's founding.

New York Times columnist Andrew Rosenthal writes:

"Those who buy into the line that we have to surrender some of our liberties and some of our democratic values to combat terrorism, and believe they are safe from the abuse of power because they are not Muslims, would do well to remember that the government has singled out other minority groups in the past, and may single out new groups in the future. Once, it was enough to be of Japanese descent to earn you transport to an internment camp."

Update--New suspects

The idea that the U.S. government was somehow behind 911, strikes many people as incredible, although given the American government's record of lies: Gulf of Tonkin, Watergate, Iraq... it certainly makes the thoughtful citizen wonder.

My Salem-News colleague Allan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the US Army War College has an even more penetrating theory: He argues that "It is 100 percent certain that 9/11 was a Mossad operation."

If true, this explains a few mysteries: Why the Bush administration was so secretive--Bush/Cheney testified in private, not under oath and no transcript was made public. It would also explain so many shadowy men working in the towers in the weeks before 911 (I think, in particular, of Steve Forbes story which was completely ignored by the 911 Commission).

A Mossad connection would cast a new light on the "inside job" scenario. It was not an inside job per se, but rather some on the inside did know and have kept silent over the years.

We also know that in the days when air traffic was shut down across North America, not everyone was grounded. The Bin Ladens and most of their family members and associates were flown out of the country. One objection to the 911Truth movement is that what of the alleged perpetrators who are theoretically still among us. Why has no one spoken up--intentionally or by accident?

On the contrary, if it was the Mossad, they would not be among us, but would instead, have been spirited out of the country in the days of the airport lockdown.

Even the citizens of Israel would be in the dark and not know anything more than their American counterparts. As Alan Sabrosky concludes: "If Americans ever know that Israel did this, they are going to scrub them off the earth."


Infiltration of the left (9 minutes):

911 Media coverup (9 minutes):

Jesse Ventura on 911 (9 minutes):

Graeme MacQueen 1 (10 minutes):

Graeme MacQueen 2 (10 minutes):

Untitled 2012 documentary (23 minutes):

Zeitgeist (starts 40 minutes in):

911 Mysteries (90 minutes):

Loose Change (2 hrs 9 mins):
"Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws. - Mayer Rothschild
"Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience! People are obedient in the face of poverty, starvation, stupidity, war, and cruelty. Our problem is that grand thieves are running the country. That's our problem!" - Howard Zinn
"If there is no struggle there is no progress. Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and never will" - Frederick Douglass

Messages In This Thread
911 Meta Analysis - by Jeffrey Orling - 22-10-2012, 09:32 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Peter Lemkin - 22-10-2012, 10:23 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Jeffrey Orling - 22-10-2012, 10:28 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Charles Drago - 22-10-2012, 10:30 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Peter Lemkin - 22-10-2012, 10:34 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Jeffrey Orling - 22-10-2012, 10:48 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Charles Drago - 22-10-2012, 11:21 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Albert Doyle - 23-10-2012, 12:30 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Jeffrey Orling - 23-10-2012, 12:52 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Charles Drago - 23-10-2012, 02:21 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Phil Dragoo - 23-10-2012, 02:50 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Albert Doyle - 23-10-2012, 04:09 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2012, 07:01 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2012, 07:24 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Phil Dragoo - 23-10-2012, 08:52 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2012, 11:01 AM
911 Meta Analysis - by Albert Doyle - 23-10-2012, 04:09 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Peter Lemkin - 23-10-2012, 07:55 PM
911 Meta Analysis - by Albert Doyle - 23-10-2012, 08:54 PM

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