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The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall?

Andrea Davison, Savile, SERCO and Child Abuse, Covert Arms Shipments and Government Fraud

Details have immerged from Court Documents and colleagues about ex spy Andrea Davison, who fled the UK in July 2012 after years of persecution by the British Authorities.Continuing the persecution DC Robinson of the Derby Police recently told Andrea Davison's stalker, internet troll Gordon Bowden, where she was. The Derby Police told him she living in Argentina and was not, as widely speculated, in the Ecuador Embassy with Julian Assange.[Image: gordon-on-patrol.jpg?w=446&h=164]
Internet troll of note and police informer Gordon Bowen of DerbyAndrea was well known in Parliament and in the Media as a superlative investigator into covert arms deals, financial corruption and paedophilia in the Police and the Government. She rose to notoriety during the 90's when she was at the forefront of exposing the Conservative Government's secret and illegal arms deals to Iraq. Working with the strange and enigmatic Spy Frank Machon she was given thousands of documents to prove the covert supply line and sent on a mission to expose to the Labour party that the Conservative Government was selling arms to Iraq and Iran.
[Image: tara-photo.jpg?w=224&h=252]Spy, or ex-Spy? Agent Andrea Davison pictured on camping trip.
During the first Gulf war Andrea had been dropped behind enemy lines on other secret missions. The flights went from RAF Valley air base in Anglesey North Wales which is close to her home and now has a famous Airman stationed Prince William. She and her group used SAS bases in Iraq without their knowledge and went deep into Iraq to take out traitors working for the Iraqis and to meet up with their own agents. During these missions her Thyroid was damaged by coming into contact with the Chemical and Biological weapons deployed on the Iraqi front lines. Damage to the Thyroid effects every cell in the Body and is a creeping disease which, without medication, slowly debilitates and then kills.Around this period Andrea also found time to work tirelessly to expose pedophiles in the the Police and in the Government such as Peter Morrison and Tory Derek Laud. Both were close friends of Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, a close friend of Jimmy Savile who recently was exposed as a pedophile. She started to work with the then shadow Home Secretary Tony Blair who tried to get the then Home Secretary Kenneth Clark to take action against the Police. But Clark who years later as Justice Secretary would make sure Andrea was prevented from having a fair trial refused to help and instead protected the paedophiles in his Government and in the Police.Andrea and journalist Pete Sawyer continued the exposure through Scallywag magazine who's founder Angus Wilson and editor of its successor, Spiked, died mysteriously in Cyprus in 1994. Scallywag also exposed that MI5 took foreign diplomats and important people to the North Wales homes and secretly filmed them abusing and torturing boys to use the tapes for blackmail. This is a classic Intelligence modus operandi with regard to child abuse by the famous and influential especially politicians that they want to control.. This all linked covert arms deals and child abuse.In Interviews victims named a number of police officers including DC Stephen Winnard of Derby Fraud Squad who later arrested Andrea in 2010, and senior figures and celebrities including Jimmy Saville, Lord McAlpine, Derek Laud and Peter Morrison. The victims said Jimmy Savile came to the collect them in his Rolls Royce. These interviews and other evidence were kept by Andrea. Jimmy Savile routinely used his paedophile connections in the police to silence his victms and critics. An expensive onyx table lighter was inscribed: "To Jimmy Savile from his friends at the Fraud Squad".In 1990 the Tory Government were forced to order a report into the abuse and Mr Jillings from Derbyshire Social Services was ordered to make a full report into the abuse in Children's Homes. But the Government refused to publish the report because it dammed the Police and implicated Government ministers and senior Torys…Read more at: [URL=""]Justice Denied

"The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it." Karl Marx

"He would, wouldn't he?" Mandy Rice-Davies. When asked in court whether she knew that Lord Astor had denied having sex with her.

“I think it would be a good idea” Ghandi, when asked about Western Civilisation.

Messages In This Thread
The Power of the Paedos - another high profile case hits the 'never happened' wall? - by Magda Hassan - 09-11-2012, 10:45 PM

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