10-11-2012, 09:26 PM
Lauren Johnson Wrote:Charles Drago Wrote:Lauren Johnson Wrote:Is it significant that the entrance of the Haut is 115 meters from La Pouquelaye de Faldouet, a neolithic tomb?
I believe so.
I am convinced that spiritual ritual is a not uncommon context for child abuse by the powerful, whose material wealth cannot satisfy the lust for ultimate power -- for eternal youth and dominion in the next world.
As in hunting "rabbits" and sacrificing them? After all, they are only "rabbits."
That, and the equivalent of consuming the wolf's heart to gain the wolf's strength and cunning.
You are, as they say, what you eat.
Material wealth and earthly power are term-limited. And so wealthy, powerful men and women look to trump mortality by all means necessary.
Some invest heavily in psychic research as they seek assurance that, while they can't take it with them, they nonetheless will be going somewhere.
Others take darker measures.