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Workers buying the factory where they work - a new trend in job protection in US?
New Era Windows Cooperative
Our Story
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Our Story

In 2008, the boss decided to close our Windows factory on Goose Island and fire everyone.

In 2012, we decided to buy the factory for ourselves and fire the boss. We now own the plant together and run it democratically. This is our story.

In 2008, Republic Windows and Doors, after many decades of operation, went bankrupt and was shutdown. This seemed odd as the windows business appeared profitable. At the same time as the shutdown, members of the family business were opening new windows factories in Chicago and hiring workers through temp agencies. They were also being investigated by authorities over irregularities in their bankruptcy and sued by banks over outstanding debts. It seemed the reason workers were losing their jobs might not be because they weren't doing profitable work.

When the announcement to close the plant was made, the workers were told their jobs would be terminated immediately, and that they would be given none of their contractually obligated backpay or severance. People losing their jobs and not getting what they were owed at a time when banks were being bailed out for having taken on too much risk in the pursuit of profits seemed too much. The workers decided to occupy the factory in protest, and the community came out in extraordinary numbers to support them. [See the Michael Moore Short about it]

The workers and the community won enough of this struggle to get the money that was owed them. A new Green Buidlings Company even came to partially reopen the factory with the possibility of starting it up again. Things seemed to have turned around.

Unfortunately, the business plan of this new company, which only involved the windows factory in a tertiary role, never gelled, and the company had to severely cut back its operations, including closing the factory. Once again, the workers, despite still doing profitable work, found themselves a sacrifice in a financial game they couldn't control.

Everyone decided enough was enough. If we want to keep quality manufacturing jobs in our communities, perhaps we should put in charge those who have the most at stake in keeping those jobs -- the workers. The plan to start a new worker owned cooperative business began.

The Workers called in help in the form of the United Electrical Workers Union, whom had been with them since the beginning, The Working World, which had worked with dozens of worker controlled factories in Latin America, and the Center for Workplace Democracy, a new organization in Chicago dedicated to supporting worker control.

With tremendous support from the community, The Working World raised the investment needed for the workers to buy their factory. Unfortunately, the workers weren't being given a place at the negotiating table, and even that right had to be fought for as workers marched in front of investment banks and signatures poured in to support the workers. Finally, the workers were allowed in, and a deal with struck to allow the workers to buy what they needed to run their own factory.

Today, we are putting that new cooperative business together, and we have decided to call it New Era, as we hope it will be an inspiration for how future jobs can be created in America. Everyone can participate in building the economy we all want, and no one should be treated as temporary or just raw material for someone else's business.

We have built the highest quality windows ever made in Chicago, ones that are soundproof and extremely energy efficient, meaning they are both green and save money. Our windows will be the best on the market at prices no one can beat.

Sales will begin in the fall of 2012. We are striving to support our community, to keep quality jobs in America, and make our economy stronger. Please support us and check out our windows. We know you'll love them, and please recommend them to a friend if you do.

If we can work together, as we are proving we can, we strongly believe the future could be brighter than ever.

Our Supporters:
United Electrical Workers Union
The Working World

The Nation
A New Era for Worker Ownership
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Website by Webskillet, a union shop and worker-owned cooperative
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Messages In This Thread
Workers buying the factory where they work - a new trend in job protection in US? - by Adele Edisen - 12-11-2012, 08:05 AM

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