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Was there a body swap at the autopsy at Bethesda?
In reading the accounts of the doctors at Parkland Hospital and at the Bethesda autopsy, I noticed that the Parkland doctors stated they inserted chest tubes but the autopists stated there were only superficial lacerations at the chest tube sites, same with the cutdowns that the Parkland doctors had inserted and given IV fluid and blood through. In googling this subject I came across this blog from the Education Forum in 2007:

The investigation by Ashton Gray, among others, of possible sinister activities undertaken by medical personnel and/or others at Parkland Hospital relative to the coup d'grace hypothesis represents an invaluable and long-overdue evolution of an earlier focus on the general subject of, well, medical malpractice in the JFK assassination.

As originally reported by Brad Parker some 11 years ago:

The first Dallas meeting of Dealey Plaza UK was held on Sunday, November 24, 1996 at the Dallas Grand Hotel. At 1:30 pm, Chairman Richard Livingstone called the meeting to order, adding that he hopes to have further meetings in Dallas.

Four speakers addressed the meeting. Each had spoken at the JFK-Lancer conference in the preceding days, but selected a different topic for this day.

[George Michael] Evica cited the discrepancy in the accounts of the chest tube incisions made in Dallas. According to Evica, the autopsy personnel did not notice the incisions or disruption to the interior chest wall caused by the trocars to assist in the introduction of the tubes. He determined that four possibilities for the inconsistencies exist:

1. The Dallas doctors lied..."which is unlikely."
2. The Dallas doctors introduced superficial incisions after death to make it appear as though they had implemented the chest drainage tubes..."which is unlikely."
3. The autopsy doctors lied.
4. Both the Dallas and Bethesda doctors were truthful, indicating the presence of a second body at the autopsy

George Michael presented an updated chest wounds essay at the March, 2004 DPUK meeting in England.



Yet more conflicting medical evidence in a case redolent of such machinations. The doppelganger phenomenon again is noted.

If a copy of Evica's presentation exists in the DPUK library, would someone kindly post it here? At the present time, George Michael cannot access his archives.

(end of quote)

Does anyone know what happened to Evica's presentation?

After reading the doctor's accounts I believe that Evica's 4th possible conclusion is correct.

The body at Parkland had chest tubes inserted, cutdowns with veins cannulated with fluid and blood administered. There were 3 cutdowns one infiltrated.(went into the tissues)
The corpse at Bethesda did not have chest tubes inserted or IVs that had been inserted or for that matter infiltrated.
The body at Parkland's face had bulging eyes.
The corpse at Bethesda had sunken eyes.
JFK's eyes were grey green.
The corpse at Bethesda had blue eyes per autopsy report.
Humes states in the JAMA article of '92 that JFK's face did not have subcutaneous fat as a patient of Addison's would have.
JFK often bemoaned the appearance of his "moon face".
JFK had a permant tan due to Addison's but no mention of the tan is made in the autopsy report.
Ebersole stated the x-ray showed JFK had a bulging disc but Jackie Kennedy stated there was no reason for Kennedy's back surgery. He had compression fractures not bulging discs.

I find the theory of medical malpractice hard to believe. The doctors at Parkland saw 500 gunshots per year. When Oswald came the nurses were proud that they got him off to surgery fast just as they worked on Connally and JFK, fast and efficient. To all of sudden to only act like chest tubes were inserted is so goofy I laughed when I read that. To say the autopist lied.. To see that the wounds were suerficial takes only a kindergarten level of knowledge. Reading the autopist report on the brain, I'm impressed. Comparing Rose's autopsy of Oswald to Hume's autopsy, Humes goes into much, much, much more detail. To say these doctors lied I can't buy. These doctors were interviewed at lenth over many years but stuck to the same story. To lie you need to keep the lie simple and know how to lie. These docs didn't lie they were just gullible. Just like the rest of us.

Messages In This Thread
Was there a body swap at the autopsy at Bethesda? - by Betty Chruscielski - 20-11-2012, 05:03 AM

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