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Documents Prove a Bank-Intelligence-Police Spy & Repression Network Against Occupy!
Jan Klimkowski Wrote:
Peter Lemkin Wrote:I have uploaded the two images. They appear to be talking about some related plan. By whom is not clear.....with all the redaction....but I think this still lends itself to an interpretation of official 'actors' making such longterm plans. I'm rather shocked that these documents have garnered little MSM or Public attention. The progressive blogs and forums are, of course, abuzz about these. Florida and Texas are certainly the focus of the two documents.

This is all very curious.

Is this raw intelligence suggesting a sniper attack on Occupy leaders?

The agency responding to a Freedom Of Information request has several options, and can refuse, redact and/or contextualise information.

What we seem to have here by the agencies involved is a decision that these "sniper" documents:

i) can be released;
ii) can be partially redacted;
iii) do not need to be contextualised by an explanatory statement.


Any interpretation is menacing in the extreme. It seems to me [though one can not be 100% sure] that someone within a Police or Intelligence Agency [Public or Private] had plans for a longterm OWS extermination program. Whoever it was, why were they not arrested and prosecuted? Why did they allow these documents out without explanation [obviously to scare the shit out of anyone who'd go to an OWS one might be shot by 'suppressed rifle fire']. Even the FBI admits that these documents are just a tiny, infinitesimal portion of those they have on OWS. Many FOIA requests have failed, are being stalled or, as in this case, only partially responded to - as it asked for ALL documents on ALL agencies spying on, infiltrating or acting to thwart OWS. The Guardian is the only paper I of any standing that has written about this and allowed Naomi Klein to write about it, as well. The comments to both articles are about half uplifting and the other half by fascist knuckle-draggers. I guess someone felt pepper-spray, CS, bean bags, night clubs, buckshot and general mistreatment by the Police and being spied upon and infiltrated by intelligence/police were not enough..... One thing is sure........the 'establishment' sees OWS as more threatening than they can imagine.....and is determined to end it - at any cost.
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Messages In This Thread
Documents Prove a Bank-Intelligence-Police Spy & Repression Network Against Occupy! - by Peter Lemkin - 01-01-2013, 06:52 PM

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