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Paper's massive error of judgment over paedophilia
An online search will reveal the text of:

The Child-Lovers
A Study of Paedophiles in Society

This book was published by Peter Owen in 1983. Academics Wilson and Cox approached O'Carroll as Chair of PIE, and he sent a series of questions to members of PIE.

Amongst many other matters, this revealed:


The main occupational groups of the 77 PIE members are shown in Table 3. A fairly
high proportion of the sample were in professional-level occupations (a higher
proportion than for the British population at large). Particularly interesting is the fact
that many were in professions that would bring them into regular contact with children
(e.g. teacher, social worker).

Presumably they gravitated towards these occupations because of their liking for the
company of children. To what extent they take sexual advantage of these positions of
responsibility is not answered by these data. Three subjects reported that they were no
longer able to pursue the occupation of their choice and training following discovery of
their paedophile interests or actual court proceedings. Even so, the proportion who
were unemployed or unable to hold down a job appeared to be quite low (given the
high level of unemployment in Britain at the time of the study). Perhaps an organisation
such as PIE, with intellectual aims and pretensions, is more visible and appealing to
well-educated paedophiles than to those at lower occupational levels.

Occupations of 77 PIE Members

Professionals 38% N %
Teacher 10 13
Lecturer 2 3
Social worker nurse 3 4
Student 3 4

Other professionals 11 14

White collar 35%
Clerk/civil servant 16 21
Engineer/technician 5 6
Sales 6 8

Blue collar 14%
Skilled workers 4 5
Unskilled workers 7 9
Unemployed 6 8
Not given 4 5

Figure 1 shows the age distribution of the PIE men who answered the
questionnaires. Although the modal age range is between 35 and 40, there is a fair
representation of all age groups between 20 and 60. No subjects were under 20, and
only two were older than 60. This age profile is rather younger than that found for
members of clubs for fetishists, sadomasochists and transvestites (Gosselin and Wilson,

Sex and age of preferred partners

The majority (71 per cent) of the sample said that they were mainly attracted to
boys, 12 per cent preferred girls, and 17 per cent were attracted to both boys and girls.
Figure 2 shows the distribution of ages of ideal partners. There is a fairly clear peak at
the years immediately preceding puberty in boys (12, 13 and 14). Rather surprisingly, a
few subjects claimed to prefer partners over the age of 16. Although still illegal in
Britain (the age for homosexual male consent being 21), this would not qualify as
paedophilia in the definitions of many researchers and clinicians. They may, of course,
regard themselves as paedophiles because the age range of partners to whom they are
strongly attracted extends downwards several years.

The preferred age of partners for the minority who were attracted mainly to girls was
noticeably younger than that of the boy-oriented men. Here the ages of 8, 9 and 10
were most frequently cited as optimally attractive. The preference for younger females
is confirmed by two bisexual subjects who gave separate optimal ages for boy and girl
targets. In both cases, girls were found attractive at an age two or three years younger
than boys.

The theoretical significance of this difference is not clear, although it may have
something to do with earlier puberty in girls. A certain degree of attraction to welldeveloped
thirteen-and fourteen-year-old girls is very common, if not endemic, in the
male population. Certainly, many readers may wonder why the man who described his
ideal target as sixteen-year-old girls should regard himself as a paedophile at all.

So, amongst the PIE members who agreed to answer the questions of the academics, a significant proportion were educated professionals, many with access to children in their work environments, and their sexual preference was for boys aged between 12-14 and girls between 8-10 years old.

Later, we find the following:

Quote:TABLE 13

Ways in which 77 paedophiles characterise
their relationships with children

Affectionate, loving, gentle, etc. 22
Deep, intimate, close 3
Non-sexual, platonic friendship 19
Fatherly 3
Genital sexuality involved (whether manual, 18
oral or anal)
Sexual relationships overseas only 4
Fleeting, casual, playful 5
Long-term 7
Professional (payment made to child) 3
Spanking involved 2
None 5


Nature of relationships with children
(Selected quotations)
S16 Very close affectionate relationships with a number of boys, never
sexual. Always friends' children. I like to cuddle them, and they obviously
like it too.'
S19 As a teacher - many and varied. Personal relationships tend to be
good (or I wouldn't be much use as a teacher). Sex has occurred, but very
rarely, and usually with a child that is deprived in some way, and has a need
for love.'
S21 Sexual and platonic. Sometimes just sex; sometimes platonic.
Sometimes both. I had a relationship with a boy which lasted 5 years. He
seemed not to have suffered. He is now engaged!'
S23 I have teased, kissed, spanked girls, but it is quite a dangerous
hobby. Parents get angry. I have been privileged to kiss girls on the area
usually covered by knickers.'
S24 One sexual with a girl of 9 whose father had left the family. She
was starved of affection and attention. It was close and loving without
being sexual until one evening she asked me to touch her "like my little
brother does". A happy sexual relationship ensued for six months until the
family emigrated (2 more relationships).'
S34 All my relationships start by being friends; then to being physically
close, i.e. cuddling and then, under the right circumstances, if the boy is
willing, on to sex.
S35 Usually hopeless romantic yearning for a particular boy, sometimes
accompanied (given the social opportunity) by his friendship, but no sexual
initiatives on either side. Small amount of casual masturbatory sex with
several boys.'
S39 As a teacher, all sorts of relationships, but outside school several
"affairs" of a sexual nature with various boys; not only sexual but
emotional as well.'
S40 Usually founded on activity group work with children. Simply
being an affectionate, concerned and lively adult for them. Playing, telling,
listening, and answering questions.'
S45 Loving, caring ones, or if you are referring to physical activities,
then mutual and unilateral masturbation, kissing, cuddling, etc.'
S46 I had passionate and emotionally intense relationships with six
boys of 14/15 when I was teaching in a boarding school between 1957 and
1963. Sexual activity was frequent and reciprocally enjoyable, but the
affection was more important to me. Since then I have had only one shortlived
sexual relationship with a boy of 15, though I have had (and have) a
number of intense friendships with boys between 13 and 17 which have not
involved sexual activity.'
S60 Quite a few emotional encounters, most of short duration, one or
two lasting over a period of months; only two sexual contacts - one
continuing on and off for nearly a year, the other lasting for about 11
weeks. Passive gentle relationships cuddles, kisses, stroking of legs, etc.
No masturbation (passive or active), no genital fondling. Have achieved
orgasm through frottage.'
S62 A number of sexual relationships (}100) lasting 6 months to 10
years, some into adulthood. About one quarter had a sexual element.'
S71 Very pleasant ones. In some cases sexual, but outside the U K.
Generally as a sort of brother/father benefactor type with disadvantaged
kids. One unpleasant experience of blackmail.'
S77 Kissing, cuddling, mutual masturbation, some oral, and anal sex.
My last affair with an English boy lasted five years, he is now married, both
him and his wife live with me, his wife knows of the relationship we used
to have, and understands.'

And more:

Quote:TABLE 17

Desired behaviour if legal sanctions removed (main categories of

Give love, affection, protection, etc. 14
Engage in sexual activity, provided child agreeable 13
Same as now, but more openly 8
Cohabit or form lasting relationship 6


Desired behaviour if legal sanctions removed
(Selected quotations)

S4 I would like to develop a relationship of loving, unselfish affection
and allow the child to express himself as his needs dictated. I know from
experience that in most cases, in trusting me, nature would take its course
and sex play would occur.'
S5 Date and meet children, take them out and enjoy each other's
company. Make them happy. Be with them as long as possible.'
Sl0 Have a boy live with me until an independent age whilst I take on
role combining elements of father, brother, friend, as well as lover. I would
certainly want to sleep with him regularly.'
S1l Adopt two boys and one girl with no sexual motive but that of
being a responsible father.'
S14 No more than I do already. Buggery does not appeal, merely
fondling, masturbating and more important, general love.'
S19 Anything that seemed wholesome and natural, including sexual
activity, though this would be a comparatively rare occurrence. What the
child wants to do with me is an equally relevant question.'
S29 Be able to befriend without fear. Be able to allow that friendship to
develop naturally along the paths it wanted to take.'
S32 First maintain my present marriage and then, if my wife agreed,
enjoy a normal, natural, affectionate, loving relationship with a boy
involving free sexual expression by him and by me of every kind with one
or two chosen boys who shared my views and interests preferably with
nights spent in the same bed; frequent sexual adventures and some carefree
out-of-doors nudity.'
S35 Fellatio with boys, cunnilingus with girls. Not really interested in
child touching my genitals - never think about it. Nor do I think about
intercourse, though I get very turned on by porn films depicting it. Like to
watch children either homosexually or heterosexually involved with each
S39 The law is mostly irrelevant; I would not want to do anything
different to what I do now if the law were changed, except that I wouldn't
have to be so secretive or careful.'
S46 Kiss and hug boys in the age range which most attracts me, and
engage in mutual masturbation and fellatio with them. I have no wish for
anal intercourse. The complete consent indeed eagerness of the boy
would be essential.'
S45 Love, care for and protect them (the homeless, parentless, or
unwanted would be sufficient). Sleeping with as many as desired it (which
would still be a very large number).'
S49 Make more friends. Take them to movies, restaurants, the zoo.
Help them with school work. Enjoy each other's company. Love them.'
S53 That would depend on what the child needed from me. Casual sex
is out - as I need to know the person first. But mutual masturbation, fellatio,
possibly anal intercourse.
S56 I would endeavour to have sex with them, to seduce them, if I
found them attractive, and they were willing. I could be content with very
little. The burden of guilt feelings is greater than the frustration of
unexpressed sex.'
S67 To be their confidant and "anchor" friend and to give them a
feeling of security and to love them in whatever way they demanded of

Finally, here are some of the pseudonymised case studies:

Quote:No. 7 Rex':
The most interesting feature of Rex's life is that he is the only paedophile we interviewed who
is married. His wife was aware of his paedophilic interests when she married him. He provided
us with a classic remark in commenting that he has come to realise that paedophiles need a good
travel agent rather than a psychiatrist, which seems fairly perceptive in view of the legal
restrictions that exist in some countries while not in others. In his work Rex occupies a position
of some status, and the professional attitude that he must have to display there carried over to the

No. 12 Adam':
What was most obvious about Adam was his enthusiasm in discussing his paedophilic
interests. More than any of the others interviewed, he seems to have declared openly his love for
children, and he does not hesitate to express it when the opportunity arises, as it did in this
situation. Subsequent to the interview, Adam contacted us to let us know that criminal
proceedings had been brought against him and if we did not hear from him by a specific date
then we should assume that he had been convicted and sentenced to prison. We did not hear from
him again.

No. 55 Peter':
Peter was concerned that we should be given the whole' picture with respect to paedophilic
behaviour and following his initial interview contacted us to see if he might come in again to
provide us with more information, which he did. He appeared to be very much at ease discussing
the paedophilic lifestyle, and he described in some detail the international scene, particularly as it
occurs in countries where age of consent is not a factor, as in the Philippines. He gave the
impression of being a travel agent for his paedophilic friends as his work in the airlines allows
him to travel extensively and investigate circumstances in other countries. He came to the second
interview with pictures, most of which he had taken himself, to give us examples of the types of
boys he found attractive.
"It means this War was never political at all, the politics was all theatre, all just to keep the people distracted...."
"Proverbs for Paranoids 4: You hide, They seek."
"They are in Love. Fuck the War."

Gravity's Rainbow, Thomas Pynchon

"Ccollanan Pachacamac ricuy auccacunac yahuarniy hichascancuta."
The last words of the last Inka, Tupac Amaru, led to the gallows by men of god & dogs of war

Messages In This Thread
Paper's massive error of judgment over paedophilia - by Jan Klimkowski - 07-01-2013, 08:50 PM

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