08-01-2013, 09:21 AM
This isn't about George Michael Evica, nor Charles Drago, nor Senator Dodd.
"Almost convinced"--dissembling; the author of these remarks is most assuredly convinced.
I remain utterly convinced , however , that Oswald DID kill Officer Tippit.
The witness Markham spoke with the dead officer and was deemed not credible.
The exculpatory witness Clemons was threatened into silence.
The ballistic evidence is overwhelming.
The poster is a provocateur.
"Almost convinced"--dissembling; the author of these remarks is most assuredly convinced.
I remain utterly convinced , however , that Oswald DID kill Officer Tippit.
The witness Markham spoke with the dead officer and was deemed not credible.
The exculpatory witness Clemons was threatened into silence.
The ballistic evidence is overwhelming.
The poster is a provocateur.