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Stage management of the 50th at Dealy Plaza.
Lingering doubt in 1963 is where the journey started. The Sunday Morning Murder of Lee Oswald planted the seed. I thought everyone deserved a lawyer when charged with a crime and now the man was dead, killed while handcuffed to Police Officers by a "friend and familiar" to the Dallas Police Department.

I was only 10 but I knew the pledge of allegiance I swore to every damn weekday morning was bogus and something was rotten in Dallas.

Marketing beyond the op after-event plans of JJAngleton and EHHunt and EGLansdale and DAPhillips et al. in my opinion had little to do with my confusion beyond the events themselves unfolding in front of the CBS eye thence to my lying eyes. I know adults were thinking in similar lines and some were quite conservative in view but still were not as fascist as some Americans I encounter today.

Somewhere between the Tet "offensive" - another odd failure of imagination for the spooks - and Watergate I shed the confusion and became aware I was not confused but was lacking in proper information.

Long after others of my generation I read Ms. Meagher's book and Mr. Lane's first book I read too. I have to give credit to Mr. Thompson's book too.

Six Seconds in Dallas, a library copy I was carrying into a current affairs class to read in dead boring study hall next high school period, sparked a discussion about the murder. My first 'research paper' with citations and such was assigned from that discussion. I wish I had a copy now.

Fletcher Prouty and his paperback "Secret Team" and a chance encounter with the Jack White Poster about more than one Oswald in US Government records were instrumental in my own evolution to shed the confusion.

Media Marketing to be sure to some extent, but that is what began to teach me critical thinking, a scientific logic class at IU Bloomington didn't help near so much as those writers and thinkers. Not as boring or expensive either.

Then I saw Mr. Penn Jones Jr. speak. I don't have a descriptive phrase for Mr. Jones, I was energized. A man of the people having seen the face of fascism up close and personal speaking in the salty ways of my working class folks, kin and friends.

I didn't see the ABC Z film debut, I hated TV then for lying to us about SE Asia games of death. I didn't own a TV then.
I have no doubt of the broadcast impact. The first view I saw was a bootleg copy or copy of a copy in 8 mm and shocking enough. It was a time of classes and downgrade by choice from a new camaro to a used schwinn.

No TV but one nice Pioneer stereo I picked up cheap in the USMC in 74, not stolen but someone getting out sold it to me and I shipped it home for free on MATS when I got my freedom back.

That whole passage of time from 63 - 76 was an ancient and admittedly so Marketing but that is what got into my head. Talk Radio (Weisberg and Brussels mostly) kept the garden green and growing long before the hope turned to ashes in the Blakey engineered abortion of the HSCA.

I know the above model is outmoded in the 21st Century. It was the old fashioned persuasion and passion of the first generation of researchers that sold "Deep Politics" as a world view to me. It helps to keep the mind growing and able to handle new ideas as I age.:lol:

It took me a while to catch up and to shed outdated ideas of the Coup of November compared to some of my generation.
But the journey to free independent critical thinking was started I hope to my own benefit and I hope some others around me over the years by marketing I undertake on a more one-to-one basis.

For that effort the 21st and 20th Century so called "new" materials I make use of in discussions with curious persons. I try to tell folks about Len Osanic's Black Op Radio Show and his "50 Reasons for 50 Years" video series. Wearing the BOR T-shirt kinda helps because lots of people want to know what is BOR. Underground subversives? Sometimes I almost laugh out loud.

:plane: :plane: :plane:
Oh man I hate formation flying.

Messages In This Thread
Stage management of the 50th at Dealy Plaza. - by Jim Hackett II - 02-02-2013, 07:04 AM

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